Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I love taking off in an airplane. There is something so amazing about that moment of lift-off that never ceases to excite me. I was heading to my leadership conference this weekend in Dallas and I thought about how the whole process of taking off is an analogy for succeeding in life. When the pilot is given the okay to take off, the plane starts rolling and then gets faster and faster, building momentum until you know there is total commitment. The plane must take off or crash.

Then at that crucial moment you feel the plane lift and off you go! This weekend, I thought of how many people are afraid to fly. How many of those people were sitting in their seats feeling anxiety and yet, they were still on that plane. Somewhere inside of them, they KNEW that plane was absolutely going to take off – they might have felt fear and apprehension, but if they truly didn’t believe that the plane would get off the ground, I am certain they would not have chosen to fly.

YOU my friend are meant to fly! What you need to do is trust in yourself and KNOW that you will get to where you want to be if you will but set your goal and your path to get there. Like a plane, you will spend an enormous time just trying to stay on course, but the fact of the matter is that if you just keep at it, you WILL achieve your desired destination!!

Sometimes, we use our fears as excuses. “Mary won’t come visit because she doesn’t like to fly.” Now wouldn’t that be a shame if you missed your trip to paradise because you were afraid? I’m here to tell you that doing things in SPITE of your fears is what separates people who achieve their dreams from those who don’t. What are you going to do? Will you let your fears hold you back and miss the trip? Or will you choose to fly….

Fitness Empress Out

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