Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Coach Destinations

Coach Destinations

To some of you, this is going to sound a little weird. Now, I signed up to be a coach, to help people change the way ~I~ was fortunate enough to, with a lot of consistent effort in “Pushing Play” and chugging through those P90X workouts. I was and still am, amazed at the person I’ve become…at the complete transformation of not only my body, but of my heart, my spirit, my life. I wanted other people to experience that. But that is not why I made a goal of achieving success club this year.

It was the trip.

You see, when I signed up to be a coach. I was tired. I was working at something that although I enjoyed it, I knew I would never make more money at it. I was worn out. Vacation? What vacation. I was working 6 days a week and just barely scraping by. I owed people money, I was in tremendous debt and the thought of ever being able to afford a vacation seemed so far fetched, I thought I would just be working for the rest of my life. The same thing was true for my mother. At 60 years of age, she was laid off from her job that she had been planning to be the source of her retirement.

Even if I could potentially afford a trip somewhere exotic, I would never be able to go because I would still have so much debt, any extra funds that came my way had to go to that.

When I saw that I could win a deluxe cruise on the Caribbean, I was immediately determined that I would achieve that and bring my Mom with me. In all of the years of my life, my mother has only ever gone on a real vacation once. I thought this could be a chance to truly take a break from the challenges we’ve faced and have some wonderful and fun bonding time.

Once the goal was set, there was no way I was going to let it go. I worked hard each month and sure enough, by October of this year, I had qualified for the trip.
I don’t know anyone who gets their vacations paid for. Now I have the opportunity to have free vacations for the rest of my life!

This may seem like a secondary goal – and believe me, ultimately my goal is to be a part of a company that will help enough people in this country to reverse the trend of obesity and while I’m doing that I will bring myself, my family and team to financial freedom. But today, you bet, I’m really proud to give this trip to my mom, to spend some real quality time with her, when we haven’t seen each other in two years and to just enjoy some relaxation time.

Next year, my goal is to get my entire team to the trip and especially be able to bring my whole family. Bringing a family of 6 on a luxury vacation for free? Now THAT is a perk.

Join me today at Get Fit Phoenix. Transform your life, help others, achieve your dreams!

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