Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Me!

People ask me how long I’ve been in fitness and what about it makes me so passionate. The truth is, I wasn’t always passionate about fitness – in fact the very idea of exercise seemed so ludicrous to me, that I rarely attempted it except for the occasional bouts of walking around my neighborhood. I think the reason I’m so passionate about it NOW, is that I was completely ignorant about what exercise could do for me, physically, mentally, emotionally.

I had tried various forms of dieting to get to the weight I envisioned my perfect self at – a cool 135 – the perfect weight when you use that old stand by formula of at 5 feet you should weigh 100 pounds and then for every inch above 5 feet, you multiply that by 5 pounds… I am 5’7” so that means 100+ (7x5) = 135. This is the magic number I lived with for most of my life. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t run around the block, just that I weighed in at that number.

A year ago I sat on a Sunday morning feeling sorry for myself and wishing my metabolism hadn’t decided its work was done when as I passed over the channels , an infomercial caught my eye. This very muscular man and his associates were talking about “muscle confusion” and all kinds of things it could do for my body. My first thought was, “Yeah, my muscles are already confused…and I don’t look like that!!!” But as I found my interest being drawn in, I started to see the transformation pictures of people who started out just like me – or even heavier – some MUCH heavier and thought – “if THEY can do this, why can’t I?”

I found myself dialing the number on the infomercial and ordering this “P90X” product. I had heard of P90X a lot over the previous years and just figured if it was still on TV there must be something to it. I hung up the phone and had a strange sense of excitement for what I had just ordered. Excitement to start a grueling exercise program? Who am I? What just happened? Did I just drink the Kool-Aid?

Who’s going to be the funny Fat Girl in our group if I get in shape? Did I really just think that? What is wrong with me? The endless chatter in my head just droned on for a while. Then I shrugged and got back to cooking and laundry and other chores that accompany every Sunday. About a day later, I got this mysterious friend request on Facebook from “My Coach”. My coach? For what?

Coach Dan was assigned to me from Beachbody – a surprise perk for purchasing a program from Beachbody! I was able to talk with him about what to expect and how the program works.

Once I received the program, I immediately started blogging about it and Coach Dan knew I was pretty serious about it. And just for the record, YogaX is still not my favorite – but I will continue to do it because it DOES do wonders for my flexibility and balance….not to mention my core strength!

Fast forward a year, and yesterday, I completed my first duathlon. This was a challenging run/bike/run race in the mountain preserve east of Phoenix. I had no idea that when I ordered my P90X that my life would be so different just a year later. I am officially in training for my first IronMan and I am also a Diamond Beachbody coach. I ~love~ my business. To be able to help others change their lives the way I’ve changed my life is an amazing privilege.

So the bottom line is I am so passionate because – I see first hand the complete transformation that my life has taken. How incredible it is to help others do the same. If you are a fitness enthusiast and you have always been so – then this is a great program for you too – but if you’ve been like me and spending WAY too much time on the couch or in front of a computer, then I REALLY want to talk to you. Are you ready to feel great about yourself? Are you ready to experience life in a whole new way? Let me show you how.

Happy Anniversary to me!

Until next time!
Fitness Empress Out
Get Fit Phoenix
One Fit Nation
Team Phoenix Rising
Facebook: Coach Michelle DeMarco

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