Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shakeology Cleanse

Shakeology® Cleanse

Today I’m going to tell you another really great tip to jumpstart your journey to optimum health and fitness. Not only do I do a hybrid of P90X®, Insanity® to improve my training for IronMan and the other triathlons and marathons I will be doing this year, but I also include Shakeology® in my diet as a meal replacement or supplement depending on my calorie burn.

On the nights I run my fitness groups (join North Valley Fit Club) I generally don’t want to come home and have a big meal. Nonetheless, my body needs some calories and protein to repair muscle - and having some protein before bed can improve the quality of your sleep as well. So on Monday nights and Tuesday nights - Shakeology® is my dinner. During the rest of the week, it is my breakfast.

This week, however, I am determined to lose those last stubborn 10 pounds that have lingered in spite of my hard work. I must be honest I had a few splurges during the past couple of weeks so I am in a calorie burn to intake ratio deficit. Now I’m getting ready to go on the 2010 Success Club cruise with Insanity® trainer Shaun T…and you KNOW I don’t want to be the one coach on board with a belly.

My mom, who is also a Team Beachbody® coach, recommended doing a Shakeology® cleanse. She has an absolutely flat belly – which at 61 years of age is no small feat. She told me she lost those last few pounds by using Shakeology® as her breakfast and lunch and having a very sensible dinner with a 2oz portion of lean meat and some veggies. Now I call that clean eating.

If you want to work with someone who is EXTREMELY disciplined…my mom, Wil Ennis is THE go to coach for that. Although, technically ~I~ am her coach, sometimes I think it is the other way around…because she has this DOWN. You can reach her at The Fitness Tree.

As I was inspired by her success, I decided now was the time to put this to use. I have eliminated any other calories for the day except a morning cup of coffee or tea. At night I will have a well portioned dinner – meaning a small serving of protein and a salad or steamed veggies. My other liquid will be water only. So far, I have gone through day 1 and I already feel lighter, thinner, my stomach feels great – my digestion is perfect – no bloating. I am loving this!

Think about how food is so much less nutritious than it used to be. Our soils are depleted because we must farm on such a larger scale to feed so many people. How do you replace these vital nutrients that we used to get from eating fresh locally grown foods in season?

Shakeology® is the healthiest meal of the day. It was in development for over two years. It is a complex formula that has over 80 ingredients. We have uniquely sourced Peruvian herbs such as:
• Sacha Inchi – known as Purvian Peanut, first used in 5BC in herbal medicine, it is high in protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and has high biological availability (can be harvested every 15 days).
• Maca Root – this provides endurance, stamina and is a known aphrodisiac. It is an endocrine adaptogenic herb, helps to reduce anxiety and stress and may help to balance hormones.
• Yacon Root – is a known natural anti-depressant, mineral packed

And that is just THREE of the 80 ingredients in this amazing food! Where can you get a $4 breakfast anywhere that is as good? If you want the best for your body, then I highly recommend Shakeology®.
I will post my results with the cleanse at the end of the week!

If you want to try Shakeology®, you can order directly from my website at or send me an email at

I want to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Shakeology® is a vital tool that can jumpstart your journey!

That’s all for today!

Fitness Empress out!
facebook: Coach Michelle DeMarco
twitter: @fitnessempress

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