Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I SWEAR I don't swear

My mother said I swear to much in my previous blog. WTF??? I do not swear ever. Sheesh. So I will attempt to use colorful language that does not involve anything but perfect effing English… or substitute asterisks so my one reader, mom, will be happy. Hi Mom!

Day 5 P90X. MUCH BETTER today. No pretzel contortions. Back to things I can relate to like crippling squats and pull ups. Walking is SO overrated. And I really don’t need to bring a fork up to my mouth anyway…it all works in my favor. You may have noticed I glossed over the topic of me revisiting yoga after my Dave Ramsey class. That is because although I had EVERY intention of finishing that additional hour of purgatory wonderfulness, I just plain was in too much pain to do it. Never fear, I SHALL conquer that dvd…it just wasn’t meant to be yesterday. My super cool coach Dan was all “Rockstar” and stuff on my FB status and now he’s going to take it back. Sigh.

Well I have to take my lumps with my triumphs. And this program isn’t about cheating. Its about fessing up to the shortcomings that got my fat ass (does that count as a swear) into this predicament in the first place. And I’m sure there is torture yoga in my future that I will get through with flying colors even if I hate every single sweaty move of it.

Of course everything gets put into perspective when I hear from my friend in Baghdad who tells me about rocket launches going into the landing zone – but “not to worry – that is a couple of miles away”. I’m sorry, but if there were rocket launches from religious fundamentalists of any sort within this COUNTRY I would be crying like a baby, packing up and going with my kids into the mountains with my guns and survival packs. Oh that’s right, I don’t have guns and survival packs YET. Stay tuned.

Luckily Kenpo is tomorrow…which from the picture I’m gathering involves some sort of martial artsy kicking. So look out Islam…I’m gonna kick yer butt if you come here to “Idaho” and try to pull some terrorist crap here. I know, you’re all like “are you just down on religion?” The answer is HECK NO…just the ones that are based on fairy tales and hatefulness. I think I’ve covered the big two. I might have to bring some self-deprecating Catholic jokes tomorrow.

Alrighty then. Onward and upwards. Off to eat a protein bar.

Empress Out.

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