Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Monday, March 1, 2010

Scorpions Suck and no that is not a swear word

Scorpions Suck

Good morning to my one reader…how are you? Today I am going to open with a few thoughts on scorpions. They suck. Truly. I’m so tired of seeing these horribly ugly critters with their stingers poised crawling around my house.

Yesterday my older daughter was playing hide and seek with my younger daughter. She went and hid in the closet when she felt what she described as “prickers” on her arm. She thought she had some cactus remnant on her jacket, but on closer inspection we saw two puncture wounds on her arm and her arm was getting tingly and numb. That sounds like a scorpion to me. I did the prescribed remedy of icing her arm, giving her advil and just having her rest. In the meantime, we took our UV light and searched high and low for that bugger but he was no where to be found. GREAT. Now the kids are all scared to go to bed and to do anything without shaking or looking all over the place for those hideous creatures.

The good news is…I’m tough folks. About 18 years ago when I moved here to Arizona, I used to lie in bed and just pray I never saw a scorpion. I thought, if I did see one, I was packing up and going right back to scorpion-free New Jersey. The good news for me was that I never saw a scorpion except for at the zoo until about 5 years ago when I moved to the foothills in North Phoenix. The mountains sure are pretty here, but they are the breeding ground for scorpions. Who knew?

Now at this point I can’t just pack up and move back to NJ. So that means I have to face my terror and squish those things so I can deal with life in the desert. I used to cry at the sight of a spider let alone a venom filled scorpion. Now, I just go and get a glass and smash it down on its crunchy little body and then go back to drinking my chamomile tea. Not bad for a woman who barely slept with the lights out until she was 18.

With spring approaching it will mean the enemy will be trying to invade even more. Off to the pharmacy to get some Boric Acid to sprinkle around the house to keep them away. Apparently it is the one thing that can get into their little cracks and crevices and kill them. Wish me luck.

The good news is, that will me slimming down with my P90X, now if I DO get stung myself, I have a greater chance of a scorpion hitting bone rather than a nice fleshy part and making the sting more painful. Arianna was lucky because that is exactly what happened to her and she suffered minimally. See….who knew that being thin could help even with Scorpions? There is no end to the benefits of getting in shape and I don’t care HOW sore I am and that I’m crawling on all fours just to get around right now.

I’m just praying that SOME day within the 90 days portion of the P90X, I will stop being sore EVERY DAY. The pants aren’t as tight though folks…I’m inspired! I’m thinking of accelerating my weight loss by adding the protein shakes and bars too. Stay tuned. Gotta look good for my book tour.

Happy Monday.

Empress Out

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