Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Monday, March 8, 2010

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

You can tell a lot about someone from their blogs. For example, from reading MY blog you can tell I am a witty, intelligent albeit perhaps slightly flabby girl that is oh so publishable. From someone else’s blog, you might be able to infer that he or she is a communist as my aunt discovered about her daughter’s boyfriend when reading his blog.

What is it about our youth that makes them want to forget the roots upon which this great country was founded? Why on earth has capitalism become a bad word to so many people? I think in some respects, it comes from our upbringing of “sharing”. We are told all throughout our young lives to share. “Now Shelley you should SHARE your Celebration Barbie with Pam.” And that is all well and good. Then we become young adults and we don’t have much when we are starting out so we think…”sure, I’ll share my Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with you.” At that point in our lives we all have friends who are equally living lean and mean off raman noodles. We think that everyone deserves a fair chance at success which they do.

What some of us fail to realize as we get older is that while we all deserve a CHANCE at success, we don’t all deserve SUCCESS. Do you understand the difference between deserving a fair chance at success and actually achieving success? Some of us get there and some of us don’t. What is the difference? Hard work. Perseverance. Sometimes, just a bit of good luck too.

Knowing we’ve done all we could on any given day to be a productive member of society, to achieve our goals during our lifetime and to be a good person is all we have right now.
It isn’t enough to WANT things. It isn’t enough to think you have goals or dreams. If all you do is think about what you want to achieve in life, I don’t care how much of “The Secret” you read, you aren’t going to reach those goals. You must work hard and you must work hard right now and for many years to come.

I know a lot of people and I mean a LOT of people who are down and out right now. They have BEEN working hard and fallen on some really rotten times, some of which have been beyond their control. But none of us is guaranteed success without bumps in the road. Many extreme success stories come from people like Dave Ramsey who were very wealthy and lost it all only to come back bigger and more successful than he was before. We can only learn some hard lessons from our mistakes and pick ourselves up and start again. We have to work harder, leaner, tougher and wiser. Don’t wallow; you don’t have time for self-pity. Don’t be resentful, precious moments tick away while you feel that anger. Just put the blinders on and look straight ahead remembering the lessons from what roads are behind you now.

Make more mistakes. Remember with each mistake, you get closer to the idea that works. With each failure, you get closer to the success you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid of the chances you take that don’t work out, keep taking them, working harder and harder until one day you will see that you found the right formula for you. Remember too that your formula might work today, but not tomorrow so always reevaluate your strategies.

Be aware of your shortcoming and take steps each day to fix them. That is what I like to call putting your money where your mouth is. Don’t just talk about it. DO IT. Don’t give me excuses, give me action. Believe me, I’m talking to myself too. So open up the books and do an inventory. Look at where you put your time, resources, and money. You can tell a lot about why things are happening for you or not happening for you by honestly evaluating these things. Where is your money? No….don’t tell me…SHOW me. Put your money where your mouth is.

Empress Out.

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