Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm not perfect, but part of me is each day

I’m not perfect but a part of me is each day.

Ever met a food separatist? They don’t like their green beans touching their mashed potatoes. I’m life separatist. I have about four Facebook accounts. Three MySpace accounts and about five domain names that each go to something different. I don’t need to constantly have my professional life intermingle with my personal life. Not everyone wants to hear my political rantings either, so I separate that much of the time. What I can’t seem to separate is my sense of optimism for EACH area of my life.

And guess what…I’m not perfect. Okay Mom, I know you think I am, but to the rest of my 2.45 readers, the world and especially to myself, I am hopelessly flawed. But that is what I like about having different areas of my life that I have separate goals for. Remember the other day when I told you about the mess on my kitchen counters of toothpaste and shampoo sitting there for days disguised as reminders for my kids to brush their teeth or wash their hair, well guess what…I CLEANED my kitchen and it has for the most part remained clean! Success story. On the other hand, when it came to waking up this morning at 5AM for my workout, somehow that little voice that said, “but you can sleep for an hour more” with visions of me lying on a beach drinking a pina colada sounded REALLY good and I hit snooze instead of getting up to do my workout. Not, so successful at that point in my day. But guess what, I will still work out – squeeze it in during nap time or after dinner if I must, but I WILL get it done.

What I like about having these distinctions in my life is that if I don’t complete something just the way I would like to, or if I completely have an epic FAIL on something, I don’t end of feeling like a failure myself. It is just that one part of my life that I have not done so well at that particular moment in time. So sure I didn’t meet some of my goals such as get my bank account balanced or read today’s chapter of “How to Get Your Workout Done at 5AM Every Day in Spite of That Stupid Voice that Tells You To Sleep In”, but I DID keep my kitchen clean, feed the children, keep them happy and loved, I worked on my fitness business and Coach Dan said he was proud of me. EPIC WIN if you ask me.

Too many people defeat themselves by lumping their success into one big picture each day and if something goes by the wayside, they lose motivation, feel depressed and listen to that voice that says, “See, you can’t do it.” I’m not saying I never have those days, but I really conscientiously try to take my challenges in stride by focusing on the things I DID do right.

Today I WILL workout. That means Kenpo X. It is a fun workout that isn’t going to kill me. I have finally started to be able to walk without a limp again. You see, another success and some day, I may be able to bring a fork to my mouth. But for now, I am happily drinking my shakes anyway and a straw works just fine thank you very much.

Stay tuned because guess what…next week is the last week before day 30 and I will have some results to report for P90X!!! I WILL POST PICTURES (gulp). ACKCKCK!!!!
WHY did I say that!!! Now I have to really work HARD! Oh yeah…that’s right because I have to do things every day that counter balance the little evil voice. You won’t catch this chick sleeping in next week. I might be a life separatist, but I still want each item on the plate to look good. ;)

Have a great weekend folks!

Empress Out.

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