Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Friday, March 5, 2010

Pain Makes You Beautiful

There is a song by the little known Judybats that is titled Pain Makes You Beautiful. I have to say that I have to agree with that notion. Our society is so geared around NOT feeling pain. We are accosted each day with anti-depressant ads, ways to stuff our feelings and our faces with every possible food or beverage you could want, and the temptation of watching the Biggest Loser eating a bowl of ice cream rather than being a winner in life is just a part of the problem that we face in the times we live in.

No one wants to feel pain. No one wants to delay gratification and work hard now for the great results we get later. We want to feel good now and when we can’t feel GOOD, we just avoid feeling altogether. This is not what working an intense program like the P90X or going through the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University is all about. Being the person you want to be, is about doing the hard work NOW so that you can have the life you want to live in the future. Dave Ramsey has a wonderful saying that you hear all through his classes. He says, “If you live like no one else, later, you will live like no one else.” I say Amen Dave.

Some of us reach 40, like I have and think “Its too late to start now.” It is never too late. NEVER. But a year from now, you will wish you had started today. Ten years from now you will REALLY wish you had started today. Don’t wait to get in shape. You WILL have a health crisis all too soon. My best friend’s very good friend from childhood was diagnosed with breast cancer and is having a radical mastectomy and cancer treatments. She had been rewarded with monetary success in her life and had many of the material things we all wish we had. But money can’t keep you healthy. Now I’m not saying that there aren’t people who are in great shape that still get cancer. Healthy people do still get sick but there is NOTHING more important than your health. You greatly reduce your chances of getting sick if you are healthy, however. You will greatly improve your health if you ARE sick if you exercise and watch your diet, just ask Coach Dan’s wife Cammie who has MS. You can have all the money in the world but if you were faced with death or being rich, which would you choose? If you are neglecting your health right now, I want you to stop. Figure out what you need to change and change it.

Our health is first and foremost. Nevertheless, don’t wait to work hard and start building wealth, you will surely wish you had been doing it all along when you are 65 and want desperately to retire and travel the world. Find something you love to do and then find a way to make money doing it. For me, I am doing several things that bring me great joy.

Helping to raise beautiful little children is quite an honor and privilege. There isn’t a day that goes by that one of my little darlings don’t make me laugh because they are so darn cute. There isn’t a day that I don’t feel proud of them for being so smart or sweet. People trust me to teach their children and place their most precious parts of their lives with me for the majority of each day. What an amazing compliment that is.

Starting my coaching business also makes me happy and I know that my hard work will pay off. I am loving the chance to help other people lose weight and get control of their lives. It is just an incredible opportunity. To help someone else transform his or her life is a reward too good to pass up.

We don’t get to reap the rewards we want in life without a lot of hard work. Look at the lottery winners. They are suddenly rich and before you know it, they are suddenly worse off than they ever were before only with a big yacht getting rusty next to their trailer home. The only way to get the life you want is through the pain of sacrifice now. Don’t wait. Start now and remember: Pain makes you beautiful.

Fitness Empress Out.

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