Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Couch Potatoes Anonymous (a.k.a. CPA)

Hi my name is Michelle (Hi Michelle), I am a new P90X addict and it has been 10 days since I have walked normally. (Keep coming back – it works if you work it.) Thanks, I needed to hear that.

My friends and family have started calling me Gimpy which wouldn’t be so bad if they also add “skinny” to the gimpy - a la Skinny Gimpy. But I got on the scale today and I hadn’t lost a pound yet. Okay…it was exactly 1 pound that I have shed since I started this program.

I looked at that number and thought “maybe it’s the Bloody Mary’s?” – but I’m sure that can’t be it. Then I realized my body has been doing nothing but building muscle for days and days and days. Which would explain why I can’t walk properly or lift my arms over my head without a grimace (which made yoga a VERY attractive session today - SO sorry you had to miss it.) Muscle is heavier than blubber so voila! That is probably why my weight loss is not quite what I need it to be yet. I am confident that I will start to shed those pounds soon.

One thing IS for sure and that is that I LOOK leaner. My stomach is not paunching out like it was for the past three years. My legs feel firmer and my arm flab isn’t hanging lower than my breasts when I hold them out. As a matter of fact, when I flex my arms there are these cute little bumps that arise out of the barren wasteland of what was once flab. Amen and Halleluja!

I’m thinking I’ll have to start going to church every week now because I’m pretty sure at about 100 points during the past year I uttered the words, “Lord, if you just let me lose this weight, I swear I will go to church every week.” Well, I AM going to church every week…only it is for my Dave Ramsey class. Does that count?

Well today was Yoga again…Guess what, it still is Yoga from Hell. Tony Horton you are killing me. I just barely made it through the first 45 minutes and then I just had to hit the pause button for while. Unlike last week, however, I WILL finish it tonight. Coach Dan said the second half isn’t as intense as the first. I will let you know if Coach Dan is right tomorrow. If you don’t hear from me ever again, you know he was NOT. Either that or I’m on my way to Nebraska to have some words with Coach Dan about what “less intense” means.

I’m pretty sure now he just called up Beachbody and asked to have me moved to a different coach. Don’t do it Dan!!! You will miss my funny stories and I promise I will make it through Yoga with no problemo! Okay off to make the coffee and set up the chairs for my CPA meeting. Hope to see you there. It works when you work it folks.

Fitness Empress

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