Life as I know it

Life As I Know It

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nothing Like the Stomach Flu to Keep My Weight Loss on Track

Nothing Like the Stomach Flu to Keep My Weight Loss on Track
The Fitness Empress

Hello to my fine readers all across the globe. I hope you are well. Unfortunately, as you may have noticed from my lack of timely blogging, I have been unwell. Yes, the stomach flu hit in its usual Spring Time frenzy at my house. It all started with my youngest, Ashley throwing up on the carpet. If that doesn’t start a Monday morning out right, I don’t know what does. I never realized that a successful part of being a mother was teaching your child that if they can’t make it to the bathroom, please be sick on something that can be washed…like my shirt…which was where she got sick next. Vomiting lesson complete.

It then proceeded to spread and before you know it, I was out for the count myself. Of course nothing is better than the aches and pains that accompany the bouts of nausea hence the lovely “flu” part of stomach flu. Oh joy.

But I am here to tell you that I’m back! My concoction of ginger tea, fresh lemon and fresh ginger cut up in the tea cured me super fast. Shakeology was the first thing I could keep down. Probably because of all the pre and pro biotics. There is a silver lining to all rainy days my friends and that is that I will achieve my weight loss goals thanks to my lovely illness. There is that line in “The Devil Wears Prada” that goes, “I’m only one stomach flu away from my goal weight.” Well folks, I wish that were true. I think I’m about 5 stomach flus away. My goal weight is still about 20 pounds more, however, I am satisfied that I have now been making some progress on this very determined course of P90X that I am on. Quite frankly, I would rather do Yoga X every day of my life than have another stomach flu.

This is the last week before my first 30 days are through. That means I only have 60 days to total hotness! I mean, 90 seemed like a long time, but come on…60? Piece of cake! I mean, piece of lettuce. I have been receiving comments like “you’re wasting away” and “wow you’ve really lost a lot of weight” which would be really nice compliments if they were true. Nevertheless, I know that I LOOK thinner and you know what they say in 12 step programs: “fake it till you make it” Uh huh!!!! You KNOW one day I will no longer need to wear spanks or suck in my gut and hold my breath while I try to impress people of how thin I’m getting. This four child gut is gonna be gone. And yes, Tony Horton, I will personally thank you at the Coach’s Summit next year when I’m up on stage for my awesome success story.

Folks, this fitness program does NOT include the stomach flu. Please do not purposefully contract this illness to aid in your weight loss goals and contact your doctor before engaging in any movement that might raise your heart rate. I’m just saying it gave me a little kick start. Boy do I feel lighter! Time to do some pull ups!

Fitness Empress out.

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