Coach Destinations
To some of you, this is going to sound a little weird. Now, I signed up to be a coach, to help people change the way ~I~ was fortunate enough to, with a lot of consistent effort in “Pushing Play” and chugging through those P90X workouts. I was and still am, amazed at the person I’ve become…at the complete transformation of not only my body, but of my heart, my spirit, my life. I wanted other people to experience that. But that is not why I made a goal of achieving success club this year.
It was the trip.
You see, when I signed up to be a coach. I was tired. I was working at something that although I enjoyed it, I knew I would never make more money at it. I was worn out. Vacation? What vacation. I was working 6 days a week and just barely scraping by. I owed people money, I was in tremendous debt and the thought of ever being able to afford a vacation seemed so far fetched, I thought I would just be working for the rest of my life. The same thing was true for my mother. At 60 years of age, she was laid off from her job that she had been planning to be the source of her retirement.
Even if I could potentially afford a trip somewhere exotic, I would never be able to go because I would still have so much debt, any extra funds that came my way had to go to that.
When I saw that I could win a deluxe cruise on the Caribbean, I was immediately determined that I would achieve that and bring my Mom with me. In all of the years of my life, my mother has only ever gone on a real vacation once. I thought this could be a chance to truly take a break from the challenges we’ve faced and have some wonderful and fun bonding time.
Once the goal was set, there was no way I was going to let it go. I worked hard each month and sure enough, by October of this year, I had qualified for the trip.
I don’t know anyone who gets their vacations paid for. Now I have the opportunity to have free vacations for the rest of my life!
This may seem like a secondary goal – and believe me, ultimately my goal is to be a part of a company that will help enough people in this country to reverse the trend of obesity and while I’m doing that I will bring myself, my family and team to financial freedom. But today, you bet, I’m really proud to give this trip to my mom, to spend some real quality time with her, when we haven’t seen each other in two years and to just enjoy some relaxation time.
Next year, my goal is to get my entire team to the trip and especially be able to bring my whole family. Bringing a family of 6 on a luxury vacation for free? Now THAT is a perk.
Join me today at Get Fit Phoenix. Transform your life, help others, achieve your dreams!
The somewhat witty ramblings of a single mother of four as she tries to make ends meet and keep her sanity while being a good mother. Seriously...its pretty funny.
Life as I know it
Life As I Know It
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Kiyosaki: The Law of Compensation | SUCCESS Magazine | What Achievers Read
Great read for those pursuing Success!
Kiyosaki: The Law of Compensation | SUCCESS Magazine | What Achievers Read
Kiyosaki: The Law of Compensation | SUCCESS Magazine | What Achievers Read
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I love taking off in an airplane. There is something so amazing about that moment of lift-off that never ceases to excite me. I was heading to my leadership conference this weekend in Dallas and I thought about how the whole process of taking off is an analogy for succeeding in life. When the pilot is given the okay to take off, the plane starts rolling and then gets faster and faster, building momentum until you know there is total commitment. The plane must take off or crash.
Then at that crucial moment you feel the plane lift and off you go! This weekend, I thought of how many people are afraid to fly. How many of those people were sitting in their seats feeling anxiety and yet, they were still on that plane. Somewhere inside of them, they KNEW that plane was absolutely going to take off – they might have felt fear and apprehension, but if they truly didn’t believe that the plane would get off the ground, I am certain they would not have chosen to fly.
YOU my friend are meant to fly! What you need to do is trust in yourself and KNOW that you will get to where you want to be if you will but set your goal and your path to get there. Like a plane, you will spend an enormous time just trying to stay on course, but the fact of the matter is that if you just keep at it, you WILL achieve your desired destination!!
Sometimes, we use our fears as excuses. “Mary won’t come visit because she doesn’t like to fly.” Now wouldn’t that be a shame if you missed your trip to paradise because you were afraid? I’m here to tell you that doing things in SPITE of your fears is what separates people who achieve their dreams from those who don’t. What are you going to do? Will you let your fears hold you back and miss the trip? Or will you choose to fly….
Fitness Empress Out
Then at that crucial moment you feel the plane lift and off you go! This weekend, I thought of how many people are afraid to fly. How many of those people were sitting in their seats feeling anxiety and yet, they were still on that plane. Somewhere inside of them, they KNEW that plane was absolutely going to take off – they might have felt fear and apprehension, but if they truly didn’t believe that the plane would get off the ground, I am certain they would not have chosen to fly.
YOU my friend are meant to fly! What you need to do is trust in yourself and KNOW that you will get to where you want to be if you will but set your goal and your path to get there. Like a plane, you will spend an enormous time just trying to stay on course, but the fact of the matter is that if you just keep at it, you WILL achieve your desired destination!!
Sometimes, we use our fears as excuses. “Mary won’t come visit because she doesn’t like to fly.” Now wouldn’t that be a shame if you missed your trip to paradise because you were afraid? I’m here to tell you that doing things in SPITE of your fears is what separates people who achieve their dreams from those who don’t. What are you going to do? Will you let your fears hold you back and miss the trip? Or will you choose to fly….
Fitness Empress Out
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Home - Coach Destinations
Want to have a luxurious paid vacation every year? No - not just salary - I mean the VACATION completely paid for!!! Time to sit down with me so I can show you how...
Home - Coach Destinations
Home - Coach Destinations
Monday, September 27, 2010
Untitled by fitnessempress at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by fitnessempress at Garmin Connect - Details
BROUGHT IT tonight at FIT CLUB! So excited to have such a great group. Are you ready to change your life? Call me today! 480-200-9440
BROUGHT IT tonight at FIT CLUB! So excited to have such a great group. Are you ready to change your life? Call me today! 480-200-9440
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
From Couch Potato to Mountain Climber - Into the Woods
Into the Woods....
Today I am sore. My muscles ache all over. But it’s an amazingly good feeling. You see, I scaled a mountain yesterday. Arizona’s tallest peak at that, Mount Humphrey’s – elevation 12, 637. It was one of those life changing experiences that I will always cherish and remember.
Now don’t get me wrong, Mount Humphrey’s is no Mount Everest, nor Mount McKinley for that matter (the tallest peak in the USA), but there is still something to be said for setting a lofty goal of climbing a pretty tall mountain and achieving that. Not only did I take up this challenge, but a group of 10 people joined in to see what their mettle was made of too. It was a beautiful thing.
Our group travelled up to Flagstaff from Phoenix the night before in order to settle in and get used to a higher elevation. Flagstaff as whole nestles in around the 7,000ft mark – so it is a decent change from the typical 2,000ft range of Phoenix. We all had a fun time going to dinner and talking about our plans for the hike. We even came up with a few jokes that went running on for the next day’s excursion. Our group, while geared towards fitness was by no means a stick in the mud for having fun!
We woke up at 6:15 with plans to have a healthy and somewhat good sized breakfast and then go over to the trailhead for an 8:00 start. We were on time with our goal and the group took a nice photo at the trailhead before setting off:
We all started together, but we quickly divided up into our own abilities and desire for speed. Josh Wagner was a clear leader and took off with my son Greg quite early. I didn’t see either of them again until I hit the summit. Josh is a specimen of human athleticism so he was an example of what can be accomplished when one is in tip top shape by summiting in 2 hours followed closely by my son at 2:25.
The second group consisted of two hikers, Clifton and Brittany followed relatively closely by me and my younger son, Nick. I am not sure what I was capable of achieving because my goal this time really wasn’t to race up the mountain, but to enjoy the vistas, take some nice breaks along the way to appreciate the weather, the lovely breeze, the comaraderie between Nick and me…which was something that I cherished every step of the way. For most of the group, I think the goal was just to achieve the summit, or as close as could be achieved within certain parameters of ability.
The first leg of the journey was fun. It was like being in “The Lor d of the Rings” or “Into the Woods” which actually kept playing in my head …
“Into the Woods…It's time to go,
I hate to leave,
I have to, though.
Into the woods-
It's time, and so
I must begin my journey.”
And so we plodded along…keeping time with a group of Boy Scouts who were there to do a signaling activity as many of them brought mirrors to do their exercise as they made their way along the path.
After the long summer in the desert, the shelter from the sun was incredibly welcome and the cool air and breeze was like being on a mini vacation.
As time went on, we lost sight of those in our group that had forged ahead. I have found that though I can run without getting out of breath, there is something about hiking that taxes my lung capacity and I end up having to stop every so often to catch my breath. Nick and I started to think of imaginings to keep the trail interesting. We settled on a happy role play of “The Lord of the Rings.” Nick was the ring bearer, and I was his faithful companion Samwise Gamgee. Apparently because Nick said “You are such a good cook.” Hey – at leas t it wasn’t because I was the “Fat Hobbit.” We enjoyed the twists and turns of the switch backs and stopped every so often to take in the spectacular views.
I tend to think in song… and as the “Lord of the Rings” and “Into the Woods” theme of our hike kept continuing, I contemplated how on earth I had gotten to a position of being there in the first place.
Rewinding to only February of this year, I remembered the couch potato that was feeling rather sorry for herself as the P90X infomercial came on. I remembered thinking “What do I have to lose? At that time, I couldn’t even do three pushups – I couldn’t run around my block, I got tired from doing 20 jumping jacks.
Now, only 7 months later, I was running 10 miles in a stretch, doing hundreds of pushups in a day and climbing the tallest mountain in my state. Now that is cathartic. I felt proud, I felt such a sense of accomplishment. I also thought about how at that particular moment, there were 10 other people on that mountain that were there because of my efforts to organize fitness activities for others in my community. I mean, it is one thing to change my own life, but to also inspire others and facilitate their journey towards health and wellness? THAT is something to hang my hat on.
"Into the woods
The way is clear,
The light is good,
I have no fear,
Nor no one should.
The woods are just trees,
The trees are just wood.
I sort of hate to ask it,
But do you have a basket?"
This little portion of the song leads me to tell you about what I forgot…I forgot that not everyone would stay together. I forgot that it didn’t matter if I had all the first aid or P90X bars in the world, if the people weren’t with me, it wasn’t going to help them. My oldest son who was on the summit a good hour and a half ahead of us, was sitting in a high altitude with NO sunscreen on. He also didn’t have any of the food I’d packed but had in MY backpack. Thankfully he DID have a Camelback full of water. That still didn’t prevent him from getting a nice altitude sickness headache and a very red sunburn.
Hence, things to know for our next extreme excursion: Make a first aid kit for EVERY person’s pack. Make trail mix and divide up for each member. Sunscreen up BEFORE the trip even if it seems cloudy and cold and provide EXTRA sunscreen for the hours later when the sunscreen has been sweated off. (I put sunscreen on my face, but my neck and shoulders are beet red today.)
"Into the woods
And down the dell,
The path is straight,
I know it well.
Into the woods,
And who can tell
What's waiting on the journey?"
So my point is, you don’t always know what is waiting on the journey. Thinking ahead and “being prepared” (thank you boy/girl scouts) is really what it is all about. I’m not saying bring 5 years of rations on a day’s hike, but when you are talking a real mountain, you must be ready for a number of possibilities. I have to say that the weekend of September 18th was perfect weather in our experience – we truly could not have asked for better. I think our “annual” Mount Humphrey’s trip will fall approximately around the same time each year.
One last thing I would recommend for a group of varying abilities, is a game plan if people fall off and don’t complete the hike. Are you going to meet up afterwards? If so, where? Is it a “free for all” – that kind of thing. One of my good friends, Laura and her guest never made it to the summit and after departure from the trailhead in the morning I didn’t see her again. I was worried. Cell reception was very spotty so she didn’t get my text until later.
"Into the woods,
It's time to go,
It may be all
In vain, you/I know.
Into the woods-
But even so,
I have to take the journey."
What did this trip mean to me? To the others? I’m sure each person had their own goals for the trip. For a couple of our hikers, as mentioned before, they were truly interested in testing their limits in athleticism. They powered up the mountain, they realized how strong they really are. For others, it was just a matter of getting to the top and a few of us just dragged ourselves up there by sheer willpower…a true accomplishment in itself. Sometimes, just proving to yourself that you CAN do something is a life changing moment. At the same time, there were others of our group that weren’t attached to “reaching the top” – they were there to do the best they could that day and enjoy the scenery and cool weather. I say THAT is a lovely day in my book.
"Into the woods
Without regret,
The choice is made,
The task is set.
Into the woods,
But not forget-
ting why I'm on the journey.
Into the woods
to get my wish,
I don't care how,
The time is now."
After 7 months of really changing my lifestyle, the way I thought about health and fitness, learning to love exercise and a good healthy diet….I was amazed at the power of NOW. That day I had been watching the P90X infomercial, I could have changed the channel. I could have ordered it and let it collect dust on my shelf. But I DECIDED and COMMITTED to a new life. Being able to reach the top of Mount Humphreys last year would have been inconceivable to me and now, yesterday I SUCCEEDED in achieving a fitness goal that I really didn’t think I would ever accomplish. I know a few of my friends felt the same way yesterday. How amazing.
"Into the woods,
Without delay,
But careful no
To lose the way.
Into the woods,
Who knows what may
Be lurking on the journey?"
But the journey was NOT without hardship. I know even in the decent shape I am in, I was truly in pain by the last couple of hours. Each step hurt and my youngest son was completely fatigued in a way he had never experienced before. At times he reached points of feeling he couldn’t finish and I wondered if I had the strength to carry him out. We passed a swarm of bees and it made my son truly frightened. Nature answers to no one and the reality of some of the dangers that lie in a remote environment DID hit home. I will most likely invest in an adrenalin kit for future extreme hikes AND probably some bear spray. The beauty that lies around in nature can quickly become a dungeon if one becomes afraid. It is best to be ready for many of the possibilities good and bad.
We passed a man that took a bad spill and twisted his ankle horribly. He even had the support poles that people use on tough hikes (walking sticks?) and he STILL hurt himself badly. His ankle was wrapped in an ace bandage, but there was no way he was getting out of the forest any time soon. I thought to myself - what if one of our members had hurt him/herself like that? I was taking notes….
"Into the woods!
Into the woods!
Into the woods,
Then out of the woods,
And home before dark!"
At the end of the day…it was the “out of the woods” that gave us all the most trouble. It was QUITE a feat to make the summit. But what we didn’t realize was that even though the way out was down hill…we were all so weary. Even Josh and my son Greg, who made it up the mountain so quickly thought the passage out was never ending. By the time my younger son Nick and I came down the mountain, I started to question if I had taken a wrong turn. It just seemed so long. I was tired and the altitude headache and my concern for Nick’s fatique was making me question the path and the amount of time it was taking us to get out. The woods are tricky my friend. Even after Frodo threw the ring back into the fire, he still had to make it out of Mordor. And this was no Mordor. We were in a great environment with warm sun and beautiful pines. We grew to hate them by the end. “Doesn’t this forest ever end?” Nick and I were both remarking by hour THREE of hiking down. We still had an hour to go.
“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.” ~ Robert Frost
But those final steps, when the trees cleared and we made it out onto the meadow were like finding Heaven. The happiness, the weary joy that we felt was so gratifying, no one can ever take that away. An endeavor like that of climbing a mountain does not leave one unchanged. So my message to you today is find your mountain and take that first step…you will be amazed at who you truly are.
“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.” ~ Robert Frost
Mountain Climber Empress Out.
Today I am sore. My muscles ache all over. But it’s an amazingly good feeling. You see, I scaled a mountain yesterday. Arizona’s tallest peak at that, Mount Humphrey’s – elevation 12, 637. It was one of those life changing experiences that I will always cherish and remember.
Now don’t get me wrong, Mount Humphrey’s is no Mount Everest, nor Mount McKinley for that matter (the tallest peak in the USA), but there is still something to be said for setting a lofty goal of climbing a pretty tall mountain and achieving that. Not only did I take up this challenge, but a group of 10 people joined in to see what their mettle was made of too. It was a beautiful thing.
Our group travelled up to Flagstaff from Phoenix the night before in order to settle in and get used to a higher elevation. Flagstaff as whole nestles in around the 7,000ft mark – so it is a decent change from the typical 2,000ft range of Phoenix. We all had a fun time going to dinner and talking about our plans for the hike. We even came up with a few jokes that went running on for the next day’s excursion. Our group, while geared towards fitness was by no means a stick in the mud for having fun!
We woke up at 6:15 with plans to have a healthy and somewhat good sized breakfast and then go over to the trailhead for an 8:00 start. We were on time with our goal and the group took a nice photo at the trailhead before setting off:
We all started together, but we quickly divided up into our own abilities and desire for speed. Josh Wagner was a clear leader and took off with my son Greg quite early. I didn’t see either of them again until I hit the summit. Josh is a specimen of human athleticism so he was an example of what can be accomplished when one is in tip top shape by summiting in 2 hours followed closely by my son at 2:25.
The second group consisted of two hikers, Clifton and Brittany followed relatively closely by me and my younger son, Nick. I am not sure what I was capable of achieving because my goal this time really wasn’t to race up the mountain, but to enjoy the vistas, take some nice breaks along the way to appreciate the weather, the lovely breeze, the comaraderie between Nick and me…which was something that I cherished every step of the way. For most of the group, I think the goal was just to achieve the summit, or as close as could be achieved within certain parameters of ability.
The first leg of the journey was fun. It was like being in “The Lor d of the Rings” or “Into the Woods” which actually kept playing in my head …
“Into the Woods…It's time to go,
I hate to leave,
I have to, though.
Into the woods-
It's time, and so
I must begin my journey.”
And so we plodded along…keeping time with a group of Boy Scouts who were there to do a signaling activity as many of them brought mirrors to do their exercise as they made their way along the path.
After the long summer in the desert, the shelter from the sun was incredibly welcome and the cool air and breeze was like being on a mini vacation.
As time went on, we lost sight of those in our group that had forged ahead. I have found that though I can run without getting out of breath, there is something about hiking that taxes my lung capacity and I end up having to stop every so often to catch my breath. Nick and I started to think of imaginings to keep the trail interesting. We settled on a happy role play of “The Lord of the Rings.” Nick was the ring bearer, and I was his faithful companion Samwise Gamgee. Apparently because Nick said “You are such a good cook.” Hey – at leas t it wasn’t because I was the “Fat Hobbit.” We enjoyed the twists and turns of the switch backs and stopped every so often to take in the spectacular views.
I tend to think in song… and as the “Lord of the Rings” and “Into the Woods” theme of our hike kept continuing, I contemplated how on earth I had gotten to a position of being there in the first place.
Rewinding to only February of this year, I remembered the couch potato that was feeling rather sorry for herself as the P90X infomercial came on. I remembered thinking “What do I have to lose? At that time, I couldn’t even do three pushups – I couldn’t run around my block, I got tired from doing 20 jumping jacks.
Now, only 7 months later, I was running 10 miles in a stretch, doing hundreds of pushups in a day and climbing the tallest mountain in my state. Now that is cathartic. I felt proud, I felt such a sense of accomplishment. I also thought about how at that particular moment, there were 10 other people on that mountain that were there because of my efforts to organize fitness activities for others in my community. I mean, it is one thing to change my own life, but to also inspire others and facilitate their journey towards health and wellness? THAT is something to hang my hat on.
"Into the woods
The way is clear,
The light is good,
I have no fear,
Nor no one should.
The woods are just trees,
The trees are just wood.
I sort of hate to ask it,
But do you have a basket?"
This little portion of the song leads me to tell you about what I forgot…I forgot that not everyone would stay together. I forgot that it didn’t matter if I had all the first aid or P90X bars in the world, if the people weren’t with me, it wasn’t going to help them. My oldest son who was on the summit a good hour and a half ahead of us, was sitting in a high altitude with NO sunscreen on. He also didn’t have any of the food I’d packed but had in MY backpack. Thankfully he DID have a Camelback full of water. That still didn’t prevent him from getting a nice altitude sickness headache and a very red sunburn.
Hence, things to know for our next extreme excursion: Make a first aid kit for EVERY person’s pack. Make trail mix and divide up for each member. Sunscreen up BEFORE the trip even if it seems cloudy and cold and provide EXTRA sunscreen for the hours later when the sunscreen has been sweated off. (I put sunscreen on my face, but my neck and shoulders are beet red today.)
"Into the woods
And down the dell,
The path is straight,
I know it well.
Into the woods,
And who can tell
What's waiting on the journey?"
So my point is, you don’t always know what is waiting on the journey. Thinking ahead and “being prepared” (thank you boy/girl scouts) is really what it is all about. I’m not saying bring 5 years of rations on a day’s hike, but when you are talking a real mountain, you must be ready for a number of possibilities. I have to say that the weekend of September 18th was perfect weather in our experience – we truly could not have asked for better. I think our “annual” Mount Humphrey’s trip will fall approximately around the same time each year.
One last thing I would recommend for a group of varying abilities, is a game plan if people fall off and don’t complete the hike. Are you going to meet up afterwards? If so, where? Is it a “free for all” – that kind of thing. One of my good friends, Laura and her guest never made it to the summit and after departure from the trailhead in the morning I didn’t see her again. I was worried. Cell reception was very spotty so she didn’t get my text until later.
"Into the woods,
It's time to go,
It may be all
In vain, you/I know.
Into the woods-
But even so,
I have to take the journey."
What did this trip mean to me? To the others? I’m sure each person had their own goals for the trip. For a couple of our hikers, as mentioned before, they were truly interested in testing their limits in athleticism. They powered up the mountain, they realized how strong they really are. For others, it was just a matter of getting to the top and a few of us just dragged ourselves up there by sheer willpower…a true accomplishment in itself. Sometimes, just proving to yourself that you CAN do something is a life changing moment. At the same time, there were others of our group that weren’t attached to “reaching the top” – they were there to do the best they could that day and enjoy the scenery and cool weather. I say THAT is a lovely day in my book.
"Into the woods
Without regret,
The choice is made,
The task is set.
Into the woods,
But not forget-
ting why I'm on the journey.
Into the woods
to get my wish,
I don't care how,
The time is now."
After 7 months of really changing my lifestyle, the way I thought about health and fitness, learning to love exercise and a good healthy diet….I was amazed at the power of NOW. That day I had been watching the P90X infomercial, I could have changed the channel. I could have ordered it and let it collect dust on my shelf. But I DECIDED and COMMITTED to a new life. Being able to reach the top of Mount Humphreys last year would have been inconceivable to me and now, yesterday I SUCCEEDED in achieving a fitness goal that I really didn’t think I would ever accomplish. I know a few of my friends felt the same way yesterday. How amazing.
"Into the woods,
Without delay,
But careful no
To lose the way.
Into the woods,
Who knows what may
Be lurking on the journey?"
But the journey was NOT without hardship. I know even in the decent shape I am in, I was truly in pain by the last couple of hours. Each step hurt and my youngest son was completely fatigued in a way he had never experienced before. At times he reached points of feeling he couldn’t finish and I wondered if I had the strength to carry him out. We passed a swarm of bees and it made my son truly frightened. Nature answers to no one and the reality of some of the dangers that lie in a remote environment DID hit home. I will most likely invest in an adrenalin kit for future extreme hikes AND probably some bear spray. The beauty that lies around in nature can quickly become a dungeon if one becomes afraid. It is best to be ready for many of the possibilities good and bad.
We passed a man that took a bad spill and twisted his ankle horribly. He even had the support poles that people use on tough hikes (walking sticks?) and he STILL hurt himself badly. His ankle was wrapped in an ace bandage, but there was no way he was getting out of the forest any time soon. I thought to myself - what if one of our members had hurt him/herself like that? I was taking notes….
"Into the woods!
Into the woods!
Into the woods,
Then out of the woods,
And home before dark!"
At the end of the day…it was the “out of the woods” that gave us all the most trouble. It was QUITE a feat to make the summit. But what we didn’t realize was that even though the way out was down hill…we were all so weary. Even Josh and my son Greg, who made it up the mountain so quickly thought the passage out was never ending. By the time my younger son Nick and I came down the mountain, I started to question if I had taken a wrong turn. It just seemed so long. I was tired and the altitude headache and my concern for Nick’s fatique was making me question the path and the amount of time it was taking us to get out. The woods are tricky my friend. Even after Frodo threw the ring back into the fire, he still had to make it out of Mordor. And this was no Mordor. We were in a great environment with warm sun and beautiful pines. We grew to hate them by the end. “Doesn’t this forest ever end?” Nick and I were both remarking by hour THREE of hiking down. We still had an hour to go.
“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.” ~ Robert Frost
But those final steps, when the trees cleared and we made it out onto the meadow were like finding Heaven. The happiness, the weary joy that we felt was so gratifying, no one can ever take that away. An endeavor like that of climbing a mountain does not leave one unchanged. So my message to you today is find your mountain and take that first step…you will be amazed at who you truly are.
“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.” ~ Robert Frost
Mountain Climber Empress Out.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Triathalon Training for the Non-Athlete
Triathalon training for the non-athlete
I have never been an athlete. Oh I remember playing sports on the playground with my friends and doing all right, but when it came to organized sports or just keeping myself active, I have to admit, it just didn’t happen. Over the years, I would have brief periods of activity if my weight went above what I was comfortable with, but as soon as I reached my goal weight again, I was right back to my sedentary lifestyle.
Basically I allowed that lifestyle to continue until after my 4th child was born and although I lost a great deal of the 70 pounds I typically gained with each pregnancy, I was still overweight by at least 40 pounds. When I finally ordered P90X off the infomercial, I was truly ready to make a change because what I had been doing was no longer working.
One day, after doing P90X for almost two rounds I had the notion to go to my local high school track and see how far I could run. After doing such an intense workout program, I wanted to see what that meant to other activities. I thought I ~might~ make it once around the track without a problem. So I tentatively started on my run, going fairly slowly and I found that after one time around, I wasn’t even winded so I went around again. THEN I started thinking – hey maybe I can actually make it one mile! A mile came and went – I was shocked at how good I felt.
I texted a friend while I was running to ask “how many miles is a 5K?” The answer of 3.106 had me wondering…could I actually run a 5K that night? I kept going round after round absolutely shocked at my endurance. I have NEVER been able to run at all – I couldn’t even have run around my block just four months prior and now I was cruising around that track!
After I was certain I completed a 5K that night I pondered, “if I can do THAT in one impromptu night, what am I REALLY capable of now?” That was when I realized I wanted to seriously train for a marathon. I did some research and found a group that helps people train for their first marathon. Now I’m running 3-4 times per week with my big run on Saturday mornings with my group. I absolutely love it. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve become a runner!
So how about it? Do you want to be a marathon runner? Do you want to be in the best shape of your life? Join me – I love working out with other people who want to change their lives. I highly recommend you start with a great workout program you can do anywhere like P90X – yes you can get it at my store and I will coach you through it for free!
I will be posting my progress on my training here each week so come back often. At the very least you might chuckle a little bit. I do see some interesting people on my runs! Some people are very inspirational – like the 70+ year old man that was jogging along with me – amazing! I love to see the people who are over weight but obviously motivated to change their lives and are running out there. It keeps me moving for sure – if they can do it …so can I! You will be most impressed by what YOU are capable of – and believe me folks it is WAY more than you ever imagined. Me? A runner? You must have me confused with someone else.
Now, I see that triathlete is just one of my many descriptors! Stay tuned- a new life in the making.
Fitness Empress the Triathlete Out!
I have never been an athlete. Oh I remember playing sports on the playground with my friends and doing all right, but when it came to organized sports or just keeping myself active, I have to admit, it just didn’t happen. Over the years, I would have brief periods of activity if my weight went above what I was comfortable with, but as soon as I reached my goal weight again, I was right back to my sedentary lifestyle.
Basically I allowed that lifestyle to continue until after my 4th child was born and although I lost a great deal of the 70 pounds I typically gained with each pregnancy, I was still overweight by at least 40 pounds. When I finally ordered P90X off the infomercial, I was truly ready to make a change because what I had been doing was no longer working.
One day, after doing P90X for almost two rounds I had the notion to go to my local high school track and see how far I could run. After doing such an intense workout program, I wanted to see what that meant to other activities. I thought I ~might~ make it once around the track without a problem. So I tentatively started on my run, going fairly slowly and I found that after one time around, I wasn’t even winded so I went around again. THEN I started thinking – hey maybe I can actually make it one mile! A mile came and went – I was shocked at how good I felt.
I texted a friend while I was running to ask “how many miles is a 5K?” The answer of 3.106 had me wondering…could I actually run a 5K that night? I kept going round after round absolutely shocked at my endurance. I have NEVER been able to run at all – I couldn’t even have run around my block just four months prior and now I was cruising around that track!
After I was certain I completed a 5K that night I pondered, “if I can do THAT in one impromptu night, what am I REALLY capable of now?” That was when I realized I wanted to seriously train for a marathon. I did some research and found a group that helps people train for their first marathon. Now I’m running 3-4 times per week with my big run on Saturday mornings with my group. I absolutely love it. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve become a runner!
So how about it? Do you want to be a marathon runner? Do you want to be in the best shape of your life? Join me – I love working out with other people who want to change their lives. I highly recommend you start with a great workout program you can do anywhere like P90X – yes you can get it at my store and I will coach you through it for free!
I will be posting my progress on my training here each week so come back often. At the very least you might chuckle a little bit. I do see some interesting people on my runs! Some people are very inspirational – like the 70+ year old man that was jogging along with me – amazing! I love to see the people who are over weight but obviously motivated to change their lives and are running out there. It keeps me moving for sure – if they can do it …so can I! You will be most impressed by what YOU are capable of – and believe me folks it is WAY more than you ever imagined. Me? A runner? You must have me confused with someone else.
Now, I see that triathlete is just one of my many descriptors! Stay tuned- a new life in the making.
Fitness Empress the Triathlete Out!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Waiting by the Mailbox
I start my blog sometimes, not really knowing what I’m going to write. I just know that write I must and I am happy when putting the “pen to paper,” even if it isn’t as glamorous as using a quill pen dipped in ink put on parchment any more. True our technology makes things less than romantic at times – okay all the time. Gone are the days where people carefully wrote out letters in classic penmanship – and to those of us that actually had an entire class dedicated JUST to penmanship AND you got an “A” in that class, I say you are a kindred spirit.
But this is my letter to you. Think of it as the envelope you carefully ripped open with a hand written note to you in it. “What does this have to do with fitness?” -you might ask. I say everything. You see, when you embark on a fitness program, you still have life to live, thoughts to deal with, memories that warm your heart or hurt to reflect upon and by golly, you’d better know how to handle that or you’ll be back on the couch watching “The Biggest Loser” with a bowl of ice cream in your hand crying at the great stories wishing that you were getting screamed at by Jillian Michaels.
A lot of people might spend their time talking about a good fitness regimen, or what your nutrition should be. True, that information is here should you wish to seek it. But I want to talk about WHY you were out of shape in the first place. You see, you can attempt all of the world’s best fitness programs, you can get a clean eating chef to cook you all your meals, but if you don’t address what’s “eating you”, then you will find yourself right back where you started when all is said and done.
So tell me, how did you get here? Seriously, I want to know. You didn’t get fat over night. You have a story. What is it? Together, as your coach we will peel back the layers. We will see step by step, pound by pound how you gained the weight you did and how you feel about yourself today. Once you know what got you to where you are, you will be able to address how to look at things differently. You CAN change! You CAN heal and through that, you will be able to stick to a new lifestyle and healthy habits that will stick with you throughout the rest of the long life you’ve given yourself.
Do I want you to commit to a fitness program? Yes! Do I want you to have excellent and healthy meals? Of course. But I want to know you too. As a coach, I will be the person that you can call when you are ripping open the bag of Doritos and know I won’t chastise you, just talk you off the ledge. I will be the person you can look to whom will not only hear but understand your challenges. Why? Because I’m a normal person just like you. I have tough days. I didn’t just sign up for P90X and get thin overnight. I didn’t even get thin over the 90 days of my first round. I didn’t get thin over my SECOND round either, but I DID lose weight and most especially get stronger, both emotionally and physically. It took a THIRD round to get to the point where my metabolism kicked in, where I really was better about watching my diet and I was able to workout steadily through these extreme programs that I have grown to love like P90X® and INSANITY®.
When you look at these videos and think “I can’t do that.” I am here to tell you that YES you can. You may be one of those lucky and dedicated people that achieves his or her goals in the first round, but even if you do you can’t stop there, you must keep going. This isn’t a “90 day program” – this is a LIFELONG program. You will be able to achieve anything you try to if you set realistic goals and take steps each day to achieve them.
Go ahead, write me that letter. Tell me your story – I want to hear it. I want to help you overcome what ails you and together we will go on to realize our most cherished dreams.
Here is my personal email address: I know you can’t write me a hand written letter, but I will treat it as though you painstaking wrote in your beautiful penmanship on your best stationary. Your story is the best story you will ever tell. Start now. I know you are the most extraordinary person who can achieve anything you set your mind to. I wait by the mail box.
Fitness Empress out.
But this is my letter to you. Think of it as the envelope you carefully ripped open with a hand written note to you in it. “What does this have to do with fitness?” -you might ask. I say everything. You see, when you embark on a fitness program, you still have life to live, thoughts to deal with, memories that warm your heart or hurt to reflect upon and by golly, you’d better know how to handle that or you’ll be back on the couch watching “The Biggest Loser” with a bowl of ice cream in your hand crying at the great stories wishing that you were getting screamed at by Jillian Michaels.
A lot of people might spend their time talking about a good fitness regimen, or what your nutrition should be. True, that information is here should you wish to seek it. But I want to talk about WHY you were out of shape in the first place. You see, you can attempt all of the world’s best fitness programs, you can get a clean eating chef to cook you all your meals, but if you don’t address what’s “eating you”, then you will find yourself right back where you started when all is said and done.
So tell me, how did you get here? Seriously, I want to know. You didn’t get fat over night. You have a story. What is it? Together, as your coach we will peel back the layers. We will see step by step, pound by pound how you gained the weight you did and how you feel about yourself today. Once you know what got you to where you are, you will be able to address how to look at things differently. You CAN change! You CAN heal and through that, you will be able to stick to a new lifestyle and healthy habits that will stick with you throughout the rest of the long life you’ve given yourself.
Do I want you to commit to a fitness program? Yes! Do I want you to have excellent and healthy meals? Of course. But I want to know you too. As a coach, I will be the person that you can call when you are ripping open the bag of Doritos and know I won’t chastise you, just talk you off the ledge. I will be the person you can look to whom will not only hear but understand your challenges. Why? Because I’m a normal person just like you. I have tough days. I didn’t just sign up for P90X and get thin overnight. I didn’t even get thin over the 90 days of my first round. I didn’t get thin over my SECOND round either, but I DID lose weight and most especially get stronger, both emotionally and physically. It took a THIRD round to get to the point where my metabolism kicked in, where I really was better about watching my diet and I was able to workout steadily through these extreme programs that I have grown to love like P90X® and INSANITY®.
When you look at these videos and think “I can’t do that.” I am here to tell you that YES you can. You may be one of those lucky and dedicated people that achieves his or her goals in the first round, but even if you do you can’t stop there, you must keep going. This isn’t a “90 day program” – this is a LIFELONG program. You will be able to achieve anything you try to if you set realistic goals and take steps each day to achieve them.
Go ahead, write me that letter. Tell me your story – I want to hear it. I want to help you overcome what ails you and together we will go on to realize our most cherished dreams.
Here is my personal email address: I know you can’t write me a hand written letter, but I will treat it as though you painstaking wrote in your beautiful penmanship on your best stationary. Your story is the best story you will ever tell. Start now. I know you are the most extraordinary person who can achieve anything you set your mind to. I wait by the mail box.
Fitness Empress out.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Better than a Pink Cadillac
I do my best thinking in the shower. Today, I was getting ready for my Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class and thinking of all the things I want to incorporate into my Beachbody business. I thought about the other MLM success stories first and foremost popping into my head was Mary Kay. Once upon a time, long long ago, I was a Mary Kay Representative. For those of you who are too young to know that Mary Kay Ash was a real person, Mary Kay was an innovator in the Direct Marketing arena. She was a woman of grace and class and if you want to succeed in business, I highly recommend you read Pink Cadillac or one of her other books. She was a marketing genious. And she knew how to make women (in particular) feel good about themselves.
Fast forward (mumble mumble) years and now we have another true innovator on our hands with Carl Daikeler and Beachbody. Back in the hey day of Mary Kay (yes I can be a poet), the big allure was getting that shiny new Pink Cadillac when you made it to “Director.” When you got to that level and drove around in your luxury vehicle, you knew that your hard work had paid off.
Today, I want to tell you that our bodies are the new “Pink Cadillac.” If we are in tip top shape and can wear whatever we want and feel healthy and good about ourselves, then that is far better than any luxury vehicle and I don’t care if the seats are heated. Get your own seat heated by working out!
Obesity is an epidemic in the United States today. Even achieving “Couch Potato” status is something that can be seen in just about every home. What good is having luxury if you are not healthy to enjoy it? What good is having a “pretty face” if your body doesn’t match? Inside those of us who carry a few extra pounds, there is a reason that we got there. We have to face those reasons and make a decision to fix what is wrong and commit to changing our behavior to make ourselves well again.
The day I sat eating my potato chips watching that P90X infomercial changed my life. I couldn’t get that ½ hour of television out of my head once I saw it. I went for months thinking about doing the program and I had to wait until I could afford it before I could get it. But the day that box got dropped on my doorstep was one of the best days of my life.
It began a new chapter for me. It meant taking control of my life and working harder than I ever have before to be a better person. I have almost reached day 60 of my initial round of P90X. I have been SO impressed by the program that I have signed up to help motivate others to take control of their lives too. It doesn’t matter if you want an intense program like P90X & Insanity or you want to do something fun like Hip Hop Abs or Turbo Jam, Beachbody has a program to help you get healthy and thus happy.
Just think, years ago how proud someone would feel to be seen in a Cadillac. Now I sure love Cadillacs, but let me tell you that nothing makes me feel more proud than walking around in a body that is healthy, in shape, strong and driven. Let me help you achieve that in your life. If you want to be in the best shape of your life, or maybe you already are in good shape but want to tone and build your endurance, go to my website. Join me and thousands of others who want to make a difference.
The best part of all, is that not only am I getting to be in the best shape of my life, but I get to get paid by being a coach. I am one of the lucky people in the world that gets to earn money doing what I love. You know the saying, do what you love and the money will follow.
To join me just go to my website or shoot me an email at I will be your accountability partner and help you achieve your dreams. Boy, that is better than any pink Cadillac.
Fitness Empress Out.
Fast forward (mumble mumble) years and now we have another true innovator on our hands with Carl Daikeler and Beachbody. Back in the hey day of Mary Kay (yes I can be a poet), the big allure was getting that shiny new Pink Cadillac when you made it to “Director.” When you got to that level and drove around in your luxury vehicle, you knew that your hard work had paid off.
Today, I want to tell you that our bodies are the new “Pink Cadillac.” If we are in tip top shape and can wear whatever we want and feel healthy and good about ourselves, then that is far better than any luxury vehicle and I don’t care if the seats are heated. Get your own seat heated by working out!
Obesity is an epidemic in the United States today. Even achieving “Couch Potato” status is something that can be seen in just about every home. What good is having luxury if you are not healthy to enjoy it? What good is having a “pretty face” if your body doesn’t match? Inside those of us who carry a few extra pounds, there is a reason that we got there. We have to face those reasons and make a decision to fix what is wrong and commit to changing our behavior to make ourselves well again.
The day I sat eating my potato chips watching that P90X infomercial changed my life. I couldn’t get that ½ hour of television out of my head once I saw it. I went for months thinking about doing the program and I had to wait until I could afford it before I could get it. But the day that box got dropped on my doorstep was one of the best days of my life.
It began a new chapter for me. It meant taking control of my life and working harder than I ever have before to be a better person. I have almost reached day 60 of my initial round of P90X. I have been SO impressed by the program that I have signed up to help motivate others to take control of their lives too. It doesn’t matter if you want an intense program like P90X & Insanity or you want to do something fun like Hip Hop Abs or Turbo Jam, Beachbody has a program to help you get healthy and thus happy.
Just think, years ago how proud someone would feel to be seen in a Cadillac. Now I sure love Cadillacs, but let me tell you that nothing makes me feel more proud than walking around in a body that is healthy, in shape, strong and driven. Let me help you achieve that in your life. If you want to be in the best shape of your life, or maybe you already are in good shape but want to tone and build your endurance, go to my website. Join me and thousands of others who want to make a difference.
The best part of all, is that not only am I getting to be in the best shape of my life, but I get to get paid by being a coach. I am one of the lucky people in the world that gets to earn money doing what I love. You know the saying, do what you love and the money will follow.
To join me just go to my website or shoot me an email at I will be your accountability partner and help you achieve your dreams. Boy, that is better than any pink Cadillac.
Fitness Empress Out.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Happiness is Now
Happiness is Now
Please turn off your cell phone before reading this blog. Be considerate of other readers as they try to get through this complex narrative. Nothing is worse than that customized ring tone of “I Ain’t Got Nobody” disturbing the otherwise peaceful tranquility of reading. If you are driving, why are you reading this to begin with and you should definitely not have anything to do with a phone at this point. You’re probably the guy swerving in front of me as I hammer this out on my iPhone’s keyboard at the traffic light.
Well, it has been an interesting week. Last week was a sort of “break week” from P90X’s regular hard core fitness routines so I was actually standing up straight for the first time in three weeks. I was doing “easy” things like stretching and the yoga that I’ve come to know and love. I also got Hip Hop Abs which is so much fun I can hardly believe it counts. We’ll see if the six pack emerges from all this. I am now onto my second 30 days and it has become a family affair. We all gather around the TV at night and sweat until we are delirious. I especially love seeing my 15 year old waking up from his Xbox coma to MOVE!!!! One thing is for certain, Beachbody has changed our lives.
Last week I also went out with my girlfriends to see John Corbett of “Northern Exposure,” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and “Sex in the City” fame. He has a honky tonk band that tours and he played in our beloved Harold’s in Cave Creek. We had our usual good time and managed to stay until the very end and stick around to meet Mr. Laid Back himself. He isn’t quite like his usual stereo typed characters – but he has a touch of that mellowness with a little scatter brain built in – at least that was my 3 hour opinion of him. Bo Derek, who is his love, can write to me and disagree if I am wrong.
So I want to talk to you about my Dave Ramsey class last night. It was a really good topic….BUYING stuff. He talked about how often we trade in our security tomorrow for what we perceive as something we NEED right now. An interesting example he used was there was a young man who was rather successful in real estate in the 80’s and had some extra cash to use for a new Mercedes which was his dream car. The story goes that when the guy went down to the Mercedes dealer he thought long and hard about the opportunity cost of the car. For the $40,000 it would cost him to buy his dream car that would depreciate the minute he drove it off the lot, after doing some quick math, he realized that if he took that same money and put it in a mutual fund, after 20 years he would have over $300,000. He decided not to buy the car.
I really liked that story because it showed that if we think things through a little better, we can make so many wiser choices in our lives and set up our futures in a manner that will allow us to do so many things we would enjoy in our older years. As Dave always says, “if you live like no one else, LATER, you can live like no one else.”
But there was one other VERY important piece to the lesson yesterday that stuck with me. Dave was saying how we always think we will be happy when….(fill in the blank). How often have I thought that through. I will be happy when the baby is more independent. I will be happy when I make more money. I will be happy when I have furniture. Whatever it was I was always looking past today. Dave Ramsey really hit home when he said “Happiness is NOW.” If we always look to another day, to more STUFF, to a different situation for our happiness, we will never enjoy the reality that we have so much to be grateful for and happy with today. Time flies whether we’re having fun or not my friends.
So take stock folks. This isn’t a dress rehearsal. If you’re not having some joy in your life you need to find some – fast. If you want to get in shape, call me or write to me at, I can help! If you want to get your finances in order, go to Dave Ramsey’s website and find a local class, I can’t tell you how much it is helping me and thus my family. If you are lonely or bored, go on to find some groups that do the things you enjoy like hiking, wine tasting, political events, book clubs – whatever you enjoy it is there. And there are so many things you can do that won’t cost a dime.
I came home from class last night and looked at my baby girl who…well – she really isn’t a baby any more. Next month she will be four. Wow did that go fast. She immediately wanted me to hold her and rub her back as she fell asleep. I thought about my lesson. I didn’t need to watch TV. I didn’t need to read a book. Looking at Ashley, my precious little girl drift off in my arms into a peaceful slumber, you bet, happiness is now.
Until next time,
Empress OUT!
Please turn off your cell phone before reading this blog. Be considerate of other readers as they try to get through this complex narrative. Nothing is worse than that customized ring tone of “I Ain’t Got Nobody” disturbing the otherwise peaceful tranquility of reading. If you are driving, why are you reading this to begin with and you should definitely not have anything to do with a phone at this point. You’re probably the guy swerving in front of me as I hammer this out on my iPhone’s keyboard at the traffic light.
Well, it has been an interesting week. Last week was a sort of “break week” from P90X’s regular hard core fitness routines so I was actually standing up straight for the first time in three weeks. I was doing “easy” things like stretching and the yoga that I’ve come to know and love. I also got Hip Hop Abs which is so much fun I can hardly believe it counts. We’ll see if the six pack emerges from all this. I am now onto my second 30 days and it has become a family affair. We all gather around the TV at night and sweat until we are delirious. I especially love seeing my 15 year old waking up from his Xbox coma to MOVE!!!! One thing is for certain, Beachbody has changed our lives.
Last week I also went out with my girlfriends to see John Corbett of “Northern Exposure,” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and “Sex in the City” fame. He has a honky tonk band that tours and he played in our beloved Harold’s in Cave Creek. We had our usual good time and managed to stay until the very end and stick around to meet Mr. Laid Back himself. He isn’t quite like his usual stereo typed characters – but he has a touch of that mellowness with a little scatter brain built in – at least that was my 3 hour opinion of him. Bo Derek, who is his love, can write to me and disagree if I am wrong.
So I want to talk to you about my Dave Ramsey class last night. It was a really good topic….BUYING stuff. He talked about how often we trade in our security tomorrow for what we perceive as something we NEED right now. An interesting example he used was there was a young man who was rather successful in real estate in the 80’s and had some extra cash to use for a new Mercedes which was his dream car. The story goes that when the guy went down to the Mercedes dealer he thought long and hard about the opportunity cost of the car. For the $40,000 it would cost him to buy his dream car that would depreciate the minute he drove it off the lot, after doing some quick math, he realized that if he took that same money and put it in a mutual fund, after 20 years he would have over $300,000. He decided not to buy the car.
I really liked that story because it showed that if we think things through a little better, we can make so many wiser choices in our lives and set up our futures in a manner that will allow us to do so many things we would enjoy in our older years. As Dave always says, “if you live like no one else, LATER, you can live like no one else.”
But there was one other VERY important piece to the lesson yesterday that stuck with me. Dave was saying how we always think we will be happy when….(fill in the blank). How often have I thought that through. I will be happy when the baby is more independent. I will be happy when I make more money. I will be happy when I have furniture. Whatever it was I was always looking past today. Dave Ramsey really hit home when he said “Happiness is NOW.” If we always look to another day, to more STUFF, to a different situation for our happiness, we will never enjoy the reality that we have so much to be grateful for and happy with today. Time flies whether we’re having fun or not my friends.
So take stock folks. This isn’t a dress rehearsal. If you’re not having some joy in your life you need to find some – fast. If you want to get in shape, call me or write to me at, I can help! If you want to get your finances in order, go to Dave Ramsey’s website and find a local class, I can’t tell you how much it is helping me and thus my family. If you are lonely or bored, go on to find some groups that do the things you enjoy like hiking, wine tasting, political events, book clubs – whatever you enjoy it is there. And there are so many things you can do that won’t cost a dime.
I came home from class last night and looked at my baby girl who…well – she really isn’t a baby any more. Next month she will be four. Wow did that go fast. She immediately wanted me to hold her and rub her back as she fell asleep. I thought about my lesson. I didn’t need to watch TV. I didn’t need to read a book. Looking at Ashley, my precious little girl drift off in my arms into a peaceful slumber, you bet, happiness is now.
Until next time,
Empress OUT!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Nothing Like the Stomach Flu to Keep My Weight Loss on Track
Nothing Like the Stomach Flu to Keep My Weight Loss on Track
The Fitness Empress
Hello to my fine readers all across the globe. I hope you are well. Unfortunately, as you may have noticed from my lack of timely blogging, I have been unwell. Yes, the stomach flu hit in its usual Spring Time frenzy at my house. It all started with my youngest, Ashley throwing up on the carpet. If that doesn’t start a Monday morning out right, I don’t know what does. I never realized that a successful part of being a mother was teaching your child that if they can’t make it to the bathroom, please be sick on something that can be washed…like my shirt…which was where she got sick next. Vomiting lesson complete.
It then proceeded to spread and before you know it, I was out for the count myself. Of course nothing is better than the aches and pains that accompany the bouts of nausea hence the lovely “flu” part of stomach flu. Oh joy.
But I am here to tell you that I’m back! My concoction of ginger tea, fresh lemon and fresh ginger cut up in the tea cured me super fast. Shakeology was the first thing I could keep down. Probably because of all the pre and pro biotics. There is a silver lining to all rainy days my friends and that is that I will achieve my weight loss goals thanks to my lovely illness. There is that line in “The Devil Wears Prada” that goes, “I’m only one stomach flu away from my goal weight.” Well folks, I wish that were true. I think I’m about 5 stomach flus away. My goal weight is still about 20 pounds more, however, I am satisfied that I have now been making some progress on this very determined course of P90X that I am on. Quite frankly, I would rather do Yoga X every day of my life than have another stomach flu.
This is the last week before my first 30 days are through. That means I only have 60 days to total hotness! I mean, 90 seemed like a long time, but come on…60? Piece of cake! I mean, piece of lettuce. I have been receiving comments like “you’re wasting away” and “wow you’ve really lost a lot of weight” which would be really nice compliments if they were true. Nevertheless, I know that I LOOK thinner and you know what they say in 12 step programs: “fake it till you make it” Uh huh!!!! You KNOW one day I will no longer need to wear spanks or suck in my gut and hold my breath while I try to impress people of how thin I’m getting. This four child gut is gonna be gone. And yes, Tony Horton, I will personally thank you at the Coach’s Summit next year when I’m up on stage for my awesome success story.
Folks, this fitness program does NOT include the stomach flu. Please do not purposefully contract this illness to aid in your weight loss goals and contact your doctor before engaging in any movement that might raise your heart rate. I’m just saying it gave me a little kick start. Boy do I feel lighter! Time to do some pull ups!
Fitness Empress out.
The Fitness Empress
Hello to my fine readers all across the globe. I hope you are well. Unfortunately, as you may have noticed from my lack of timely blogging, I have been unwell. Yes, the stomach flu hit in its usual Spring Time frenzy at my house. It all started with my youngest, Ashley throwing up on the carpet. If that doesn’t start a Monday morning out right, I don’t know what does. I never realized that a successful part of being a mother was teaching your child that if they can’t make it to the bathroom, please be sick on something that can be washed…like my shirt…which was where she got sick next. Vomiting lesson complete.
It then proceeded to spread and before you know it, I was out for the count myself. Of course nothing is better than the aches and pains that accompany the bouts of nausea hence the lovely “flu” part of stomach flu. Oh joy.
But I am here to tell you that I’m back! My concoction of ginger tea, fresh lemon and fresh ginger cut up in the tea cured me super fast. Shakeology was the first thing I could keep down. Probably because of all the pre and pro biotics. There is a silver lining to all rainy days my friends and that is that I will achieve my weight loss goals thanks to my lovely illness. There is that line in “The Devil Wears Prada” that goes, “I’m only one stomach flu away from my goal weight.” Well folks, I wish that were true. I think I’m about 5 stomach flus away. My goal weight is still about 20 pounds more, however, I am satisfied that I have now been making some progress on this very determined course of P90X that I am on. Quite frankly, I would rather do Yoga X every day of my life than have another stomach flu.
This is the last week before my first 30 days are through. That means I only have 60 days to total hotness! I mean, 90 seemed like a long time, but come on…60? Piece of cake! I mean, piece of lettuce. I have been receiving comments like “you’re wasting away” and “wow you’ve really lost a lot of weight” which would be really nice compliments if they were true. Nevertheless, I know that I LOOK thinner and you know what they say in 12 step programs: “fake it till you make it” Uh huh!!!! You KNOW one day I will no longer need to wear spanks or suck in my gut and hold my breath while I try to impress people of how thin I’m getting. This four child gut is gonna be gone. And yes, Tony Horton, I will personally thank you at the Coach’s Summit next year when I’m up on stage for my awesome success story.
Folks, this fitness program does NOT include the stomach flu. Please do not purposefully contract this illness to aid in your weight loss goals and contact your doctor before engaging in any movement that might raise your heart rate. I’m just saying it gave me a little kick start. Boy do I feel lighter! Time to do some pull ups!
Fitness Empress out.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I'm not perfect, but part of me is each day
I’m not perfect but a part of me is each day.
Ever met a food separatist? They don’t like their green beans touching their mashed potatoes. I’m life separatist. I have about four Facebook accounts. Three MySpace accounts and about five domain names that each go to something different. I don’t need to constantly have my professional life intermingle with my personal life. Not everyone wants to hear my political rantings either, so I separate that much of the time. What I can’t seem to separate is my sense of optimism for EACH area of my life.
And guess what…I’m not perfect. Okay Mom, I know you think I am, but to the rest of my 2.45 readers, the world and especially to myself, I am hopelessly flawed. But that is what I like about having different areas of my life that I have separate goals for. Remember the other day when I told you about the mess on my kitchen counters of toothpaste and shampoo sitting there for days disguised as reminders for my kids to brush their teeth or wash their hair, well guess what…I CLEANED my kitchen and it has for the most part remained clean! Success story. On the other hand, when it came to waking up this morning at 5AM for my workout, somehow that little voice that said, “but you can sleep for an hour more” with visions of me lying on a beach drinking a pina colada sounded REALLY good and I hit snooze instead of getting up to do my workout. Not, so successful at that point in my day. But guess what, I will still work out – squeeze it in during nap time or after dinner if I must, but I WILL get it done.
What I like about having these distinctions in my life is that if I don’t complete something just the way I would like to, or if I completely have an epic FAIL on something, I don’t end of feeling like a failure myself. It is just that one part of my life that I have not done so well at that particular moment in time. So sure I didn’t meet some of my goals such as get my bank account balanced or read today’s chapter of “How to Get Your Workout Done at 5AM Every Day in Spite of That Stupid Voice that Tells You To Sleep In”, but I DID keep my kitchen clean, feed the children, keep them happy and loved, I worked on my fitness business and Coach Dan said he was proud of me. EPIC WIN if you ask me.
Too many people defeat themselves by lumping their success into one big picture each day and if something goes by the wayside, they lose motivation, feel depressed and listen to that voice that says, “See, you can’t do it.” I’m not saying I never have those days, but I really conscientiously try to take my challenges in stride by focusing on the things I DID do right.
Today I WILL workout. That means Kenpo X. It is a fun workout that isn’t going to kill me. I have finally started to be able to walk without a limp again. You see, another success and some day, I may be able to bring a fork to my mouth. But for now, I am happily drinking my shakes anyway and a straw works just fine thank you very much.
Stay tuned because guess what…next week is the last week before day 30 and I will have some results to report for P90X!!! I WILL POST PICTURES (gulp). ACKCKCK!!!!
WHY did I say that!!! Now I have to really work HARD! Oh yeah…that’s right because I have to do things every day that counter balance the little evil voice. You won’t catch this chick sleeping in next week. I might be a life separatist, but I still want each item on the plate to look good. ;)
Have a great weekend folks!
Empress Out.
Ever met a food separatist? They don’t like their green beans touching their mashed potatoes. I’m life separatist. I have about four Facebook accounts. Three MySpace accounts and about five domain names that each go to something different. I don’t need to constantly have my professional life intermingle with my personal life. Not everyone wants to hear my political rantings either, so I separate that much of the time. What I can’t seem to separate is my sense of optimism for EACH area of my life.
And guess what…I’m not perfect. Okay Mom, I know you think I am, but to the rest of my 2.45 readers, the world and especially to myself, I am hopelessly flawed. But that is what I like about having different areas of my life that I have separate goals for. Remember the other day when I told you about the mess on my kitchen counters of toothpaste and shampoo sitting there for days disguised as reminders for my kids to brush their teeth or wash their hair, well guess what…I CLEANED my kitchen and it has for the most part remained clean! Success story. On the other hand, when it came to waking up this morning at 5AM for my workout, somehow that little voice that said, “but you can sleep for an hour more” with visions of me lying on a beach drinking a pina colada sounded REALLY good and I hit snooze instead of getting up to do my workout. Not, so successful at that point in my day. But guess what, I will still work out – squeeze it in during nap time or after dinner if I must, but I WILL get it done.
What I like about having these distinctions in my life is that if I don’t complete something just the way I would like to, or if I completely have an epic FAIL on something, I don’t end of feeling like a failure myself. It is just that one part of my life that I have not done so well at that particular moment in time. So sure I didn’t meet some of my goals such as get my bank account balanced or read today’s chapter of “How to Get Your Workout Done at 5AM Every Day in Spite of That Stupid Voice that Tells You To Sleep In”, but I DID keep my kitchen clean, feed the children, keep them happy and loved, I worked on my fitness business and Coach Dan said he was proud of me. EPIC WIN if you ask me.
Too many people defeat themselves by lumping their success into one big picture each day and if something goes by the wayside, they lose motivation, feel depressed and listen to that voice that says, “See, you can’t do it.” I’m not saying I never have those days, but I really conscientiously try to take my challenges in stride by focusing on the things I DID do right.
Today I WILL workout. That means Kenpo X. It is a fun workout that isn’t going to kill me. I have finally started to be able to walk without a limp again. You see, another success and some day, I may be able to bring a fork to my mouth. But for now, I am happily drinking my shakes anyway and a straw works just fine thank you very much.
Stay tuned because guess what…next week is the last week before day 30 and I will have some results to report for P90X!!! I WILL POST PICTURES (gulp). ACKCKCK!!!!
WHY did I say that!!! Now I have to really work HARD! Oh yeah…that’s right because I have to do things every day that counter balance the little evil voice. You won’t catch this chick sleeping in next week. I might be a life separatist, but I still want each item on the plate to look good. ;)
Have a great weekend folks!
Empress Out.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I'm living in a Sea of Garbage
I think I’ve lost a few readers over the past couple of days. So I’m back to Hi Mom! How are you doing? There are absolutely no swear words in this message.
My son asked me yesterday, Mom, why do you have all this shampoo and toothpaste on the kitchen counter. To which I answered “To remind you to wash your hair and brush your teeth of course.” But between you and me, it is one of those things I struggle with…clutter. Why would I leave that stuff sitting on the counter for three days and not walk it to the bathroom? I think that not only do I need to clean up my finances and my body weight but I also need a good dose of FlyLady too. I am not a born organized person. I have to work very hard to keep a clean house. That isn’t to say my house is a disaster, but it gets undone as fast as I can clean it up and declutter. I can’t tell you how many big black bags of garbage I have thrown away in the past year…of just STUFF I didn’t need or want any more.
I envy those to whom it comes naturally. I mean really, do these people live to clean or something? Personally I think it is witchcraft. Start the trials! Quite frankly I like the Anne Taintor card that says “I understand the concept of cooking and cleaning, just not as it applies to ME.” Now don’t get me wrong. I love to COOK. I just don’t really appreciate the mess I make when I’m doing it. I have also discovered that apparently I only like to cook expensive meals. Things like Filet Mignon and Rack of Lamb and Lobster Bisque. Beans and Rice? Not so much. And my budget right now is more of the Beans and Rice variety.
That is where comes in. You get an assignment every day - the idea being that if you do a little bit each day – by the end of each month you will have cleaned every inch of your house. You start with a simple task “shine your sink.” You will be surprised that if you just begin with this easy chore, suddenly it jumpstarts you into cleaning your whole kitchen. If you are like me, give it a try. If you are a born organized person, please do not rub it in and you’ll get yours at the new Salem Trials.
On to my “body clutter.” I have been so diligent about working out. I can’t believe it. I don’t think I have EVER worked out this many days in a row in my life. Last night, instead of doing my regular workout, I went running, then walking then roller skating. Yes, I know I’m a very unique person. No I don’t care if I look like roller girl with my iPod dancing while I skate around the park. It was dark anyway. This morning, I ache in places that only roller skating can reach. So I added yet another variation to my workout. How P90X of me!
Today it is raining again in Phoenix. Hello Phoenix, do you know you’re supposed to be sunny every day? I’m going to need light therapy soon. Well at least I haven’t pulled a muscle shoveling snow like the group of followers I have back east.
So off I go to do my chores for the day. I’m getting my sink shiny and magically the rest will follow. Unfortunately, I still don’t understand why this must be part of my lifestyle. Amanda and I made a joke on the way back to Vegas (a story for another blog) once that I would be living in a “Sea of Garbage” because Troy, her boyfriend, who was watching my home forgot to take out my trash. It has since become a running joke that I don’t want to live in a sea of garbage. So off I go to do the dreadful chores. That’s okay, tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny and blue skies again.
This is the Empress and I approve this message.
Empress Out!
My son asked me yesterday, Mom, why do you have all this shampoo and toothpaste on the kitchen counter. To which I answered “To remind you to wash your hair and brush your teeth of course.” But between you and me, it is one of those things I struggle with…clutter. Why would I leave that stuff sitting on the counter for three days and not walk it to the bathroom? I think that not only do I need to clean up my finances and my body weight but I also need a good dose of FlyLady too. I am not a born organized person. I have to work very hard to keep a clean house. That isn’t to say my house is a disaster, but it gets undone as fast as I can clean it up and declutter. I can’t tell you how many big black bags of garbage I have thrown away in the past year…of just STUFF I didn’t need or want any more.
I envy those to whom it comes naturally. I mean really, do these people live to clean or something? Personally I think it is witchcraft. Start the trials! Quite frankly I like the Anne Taintor card that says “I understand the concept of cooking and cleaning, just not as it applies to ME.” Now don’t get me wrong. I love to COOK. I just don’t really appreciate the mess I make when I’m doing it. I have also discovered that apparently I only like to cook expensive meals. Things like Filet Mignon and Rack of Lamb and Lobster Bisque. Beans and Rice? Not so much. And my budget right now is more of the Beans and Rice variety.
That is where comes in. You get an assignment every day - the idea being that if you do a little bit each day – by the end of each month you will have cleaned every inch of your house. You start with a simple task “shine your sink.” You will be surprised that if you just begin with this easy chore, suddenly it jumpstarts you into cleaning your whole kitchen. If you are like me, give it a try. If you are a born organized person, please do not rub it in and you’ll get yours at the new Salem Trials.
On to my “body clutter.” I have been so diligent about working out. I can’t believe it. I don’t think I have EVER worked out this many days in a row in my life. Last night, instead of doing my regular workout, I went running, then walking then roller skating. Yes, I know I’m a very unique person. No I don’t care if I look like roller girl with my iPod dancing while I skate around the park. It was dark anyway. This morning, I ache in places that only roller skating can reach. So I added yet another variation to my workout. How P90X of me!
Today it is raining again in Phoenix. Hello Phoenix, do you know you’re supposed to be sunny every day? I’m going to need light therapy soon. Well at least I haven’t pulled a muscle shoveling snow like the group of followers I have back east.
So off I go to do my chores for the day. I’m getting my sink shiny and magically the rest will follow. Unfortunately, I still don’t understand why this must be part of my lifestyle. Amanda and I made a joke on the way back to Vegas (a story for another blog) once that I would be living in a “Sea of Garbage” because Troy, her boyfriend, who was watching my home forgot to take out my trash. It has since become a running joke that I don’t want to live in a sea of garbage. So off I go to do the dreadful chores. That’s okay, tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny and blue skies again.
This is the Empress and I approve this message.
Empress Out!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
You can tell a lot about someone from their blogs. For example, from reading MY blog you can tell I am a witty, intelligent albeit perhaps slightly flabby girl that is oh so publishable. From someone else’s blog, you might be able to infer that he or she is a communist as my aunt discovered about her daughter’s boyfriend when reading his blog.
What is it about our youth that makes them want to forget the roots upon which this great country was founded? Why on earth has capitalism become a bad word to so many people? I think in some respects, it comes from our upbringing of “sharing”. We are told all throughout our young lives to share. “Now Shelley you should SHARE your Celebration Barbie with Pam.” And that is all well and good. Then we become young adults and we don’t have much when we are starting out so we think…”sure, I’ll share my Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with you.” At that point in our lives we all have friends who are equally living lean and mean off raman noodles. We think that everyone deserves a fair chance at success which they do.
What some of us fail to realize as we get older is that while we all deserve a CHANCE at success, we don’t all deserve SUCCESS. Do you understand the difference between deserving a fair chance at success and actually achieving success? Some of us get there and some of us don’t. What is the difference? Hard work. Perseverance. Sometimes, just a bit of good luck too.
Knowing we’ve done all we could on any given day to be a productive member of society, to achieve our goals during our lifetime and to be a good person is all we have right now.
It isn’t enough to WANT things. It isn’t enough to think you have goals or dreams. If all you do is think about what you want to achieve in life, I don’t care how much of “The Secret” you read, you aren’t going to reach those goals. You must work hard and you must work hard right now and for many years to come.
I know a lot of people and I mean a LOT of people who are down and out right now. They have BEEN working hard and fallen on some really rotten times, some of which have been beyond their control. But none of us is guaranteed success without bumps in the road. Many extreme success stories come from people like Dave Ramsey who were very wealthy and lost it all only to come back bigger and more successful than he was before. We can only learn some hard lessons from our mistakes and pick ourselves up and start again. We have to work harder, leaner, tougher and wiser. Don’t wallow; you don’t have time for self-pity. Don’t be resentful, precious moments tick away while you feel that anger. Just put the blinders on and look straight ahead remembering the lessons from what roads are behind you now.
Make more mistakes. Remember with each mistake, you get closer to the idea that works. With each failure, you get closer to the success you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid of the chances you take that don’t work out, keep taking them, working harder and harder until one day you will see that you found the right formula for you. Remember too that your formula might work today, but not tomorrow so always reevaluate your strategies.
Be aware of your shortcoming and take steps each day to fix them. That is what I like to call putting your money where your mouth is. Don’t just talk about it. DO IT. Don’t give me excuses, give me action. Believe me, I’m talking to myself too. So open up the books and do an inventory. Look at where you put your time, resources, and money. You can tell a lot about why things are happening for you or not happening for you by honestly evaluating these things. Where is your money? No….don’t tell me…SHOW me. Put your money where your mouth is.
Empress Out.
What is it about our youth that makes them want to forget the roots upon which this great country was founded? Why on earth has capitalism become a bad word to so many people? I think in some respects, it comes from our upbringing of “sharing”. We are told all throughout our young lives to share. “Now Shelley you should SHARE your Celebration Barbie with Pam.” And that is all well and good. Then we become young adults and we don’t have much when we are starting out so we think…”sure, I’ll share my Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with you.” At that point in our lives we all have friends who are equally living lean and mean off raman noodles. We think that everyone deserves a fair chance at success which they do.
What some of us fail to realize as we get older is that while we all deserve a CHANCE at success, we don’t all deserve SUCCESS. Do you understand the difference between deserving a fair chance at success and actually achieving success? Some of us get there and some of us don’t. What is the difference? Hard work. Perseverance. Sometimes, just a bit of good luck too.
Knowing we’ve done all we could on any given day to be a productive member of society, to achieve our goals during our lifetime and to be a good person is all we have right now.
It isn’t enough to WANT things. It isn’t enough to think you have goals or dreams. If all you do is think about what you want to achieve in life, I don’t care how much of “The Secret” you read, you aren’t going to reach those goals. You must work hard and you must work hard right now and for many years to come.
I know a lot of people and I mean a LOT of people who are down and out right now. They have BEEN working hard and fallen on some really rotten times, some of which have been beyond their control. But none of us is guaranteed success without bumps in the road. Many extreme success stories come from people like Dave Ramsey who were very wealthy and lost it all only to come back bigger and more successful than he was before. We can only learn some hard lessons from our mistakes and pick ourselves up and start again. We have to work harder, leaner, tougher and wiser. Don’t wallow; you don’t have time for self-pity. Don’t be resentful, precious moments tick away while you feel that anger. Just put the blinders on and look straight ahead remembering the lessons from what roads are behind you now.
Make more mistakes. Remember with each mistake, you get closer to the idea that works. With each failure, you get closer to the success you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid of the chances you take that don’t work out, keep taking them, working harder and harder until one day you will see that you found the right formula for you. Remember too that your formula might work today, but not tomorrow so always reevaluate your strategies.
Be aware of your shortcoming and take steps each day to fix them. That is what I like to call putting your money where your mouth is. Don’t just talk about it. DO IT. Don’t give me excuses, give me action. Believe me, I’m talking to myself too. So open up the books and do an inventory. Look at where you put your time, resources, and money. You can tell a lot about why things are happening for you or not happening for you by honestly evaluating these things. Where is your money? No….don’t tell me…SHOW me. Put your money where your mouth is.
Empress Out.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Pain Makes You Beautiful
There is a song by the little known Judybats that is titled Pain Makes You Beautiful. I have to say that I have to agree with that notion. Our society is so geared around NOT feeling pain. We are accosted each day with anti-depressant ads, ways to stuff our feelings and our faces with every possible food or beverage you could want, and the temptation of watching the Biggest Loser eating a bowl of ice cream rather than being a winner in life is just a part of the problem that we face in the times we live in.
No one wants to feel pain. No one wants to delay gratification and work hard now for the great results we get later. We want to feel good now and when we can’t feel GOOD, we just avoid feeling altogether. This is not what working an intense program like the P90X or going through the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University is all about. Being the person you want to be, is about doing the hard work NOW so that you can have the life you want to live in the future. Dave Ramsey has a wonderful saying that you hear all through his classes. He says, “If you live like no one else, later, you will live like no one else.” I say Amen Dave.
Some of us reach 40, like I have and think “Its too late to start now.” It is never too late. NEVER. But a year from now, you will wish you had started today. Ten years from now you will REALLY wish you had started today. Don’t wait to get in shape. You WILL have a health crisis all too soon. My best friend’s very good friend from childhood was diagnosed with breast cancer and is having a radical mastectomy and cancer treatments. She had been rewarded with monetary success in her life and had many of the material things we all wish we had. But money can’t keep you healthy. Now I’m not saying that there aren’t people who are in great shape that still get cancer. Healthy people do still get sick but there is NOTHING more important than your health. You greatly reduce your chances of getting sick if you are healthy, however. You will greatly improve your health if you ARE sick if you exercise and watch your diet, just ask Coach Dan’s wife Cammie who has MS. You can have all the money in the world but if you were faced with death or being rich, which would you choose? If you are neglecting your health right now, I want you to stop. Figure out what you need to change and change it.
Our health is first and foremost. Nevertheless, don’t wait to work hard and start building wealth, you will surely wish you had been doing it all along when you are 65 and want desperately to retire and travel the world. Find something you love to do and then find a way to make money doing it. For me, I am doing several things that bring me great joy.
Helping to raise beautiful little children is quite an honor and privilege. There isn’t a day that goes by that one of my little darlings don’t make me laugh because they are so darn cute. There isn’t a day that I don’t feel proud of them for being so smart or sweet. People trust me to teach their children and place their most precious parts of their lives with me for the majority of each day. What an amazing compliment that is.
Starting my coaching business also makes me happy and I know that my hard work will pay off. I am loving the chance to help other people lose weight and get control of their lives. It is just an incredible opportunity. To help someone else transform his or her life is a reward too good to pass up.
We don’t get to reap the rewards we want in life without a lot of hard work. Look at the lottery winners. They are suddenly rich and before you know it, they are suddenly worse off than they ever were before only with a big yacht getting rusty next to their trailer home. The only way to get the life you want is through the pain of sacrifice now. Don’t wait. Start now and remember: Pain makes you beautiful.
Fitness Empress Out.
No one wants to feel pain. No one wants to delay gratification and work hard now for the great results we get later. We want to feel good now and when we can’t feel GOOD, we just avoid feeling altogether. This is not what working an intense program like the P90X or going through the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University is all about. Being the person you want to be, is about doing the hard work NOW so that you can have the life you want to live in the future. Dave Ramsey has a wonderful saying that you hear all through his classes. He says, “If you live like no one else, later, you will live like no one else.” I say Amen Dave.
Some of us reach 40, like I have and think “Its too late to start now.” It is never too late. NEVER. But a year from now, you will wish you had started today. Ten years from now you will REALLY wish you had started today. Don’t wait to get in shape. You WILL have a health crisis all too soon. My best friend’s very good friend from childhood was diagnosed with breast cancer and is having a radical mastectomy and cancer treatments. She had been rewarded with monetary success in her life and had many of the material things we all wish we had. But money can’t keep you healthy. Now I’m not saying that there aren’t people who are in great shape that still get cancer. Healthy people do still get sick but there is NOTHING more important than your health. You greatly reduce your chances of getting sick if you are healthy, however. You will greatly improve your health if you ARE sick if you exercise and watch your diet, just ask Coach Dan’s wife Cammie who has MS. You can have all the money in the world but if you were faced with death or being rich, which would you choose? If you are neglecting your health right now, I want you to stop. Figure out what you need to change and change it.
Our health is first and foremost. Nevertheless, don’t wait to work hard and start building wealth, you will surely wish you had been doing it all along when you are 65 and want desperately to retire and travel the world. Find something you love to do and then find a way to make money doing it. For me, I am doing several things that bring me great joy.
Helping to raise beautiful little children is quite an honor and privilege. There isn’t a day that goes by that one of my little darlings don’t make me laugh because they are so darn cute. There isn’t a day that I don’t feel proud of them for being so smart or sweet. People trust me to teach their children and place their most precious parts of their lives with me for the majority of each day. What an amazing compliment that is.
Starting my coaching business also makes me happy and I know that my hard work will pay off. I am loving the chance to help other people lose weight and get control of their lives. It is just an incredible opportunity. To help someone else transform his or her life is a reward too good to pass up.
We don’t get to reap the rewards we want in life without a lot of hard work. Look at the lottery winners. They are suddenly rich and before you know it, they are suddenly worse off than they ever were before only with a big yacht getting rusty next to their trailer home. The only way to get the life you want is through the pain of sacrifice now. Don’t wait. Start now and remember: Pain makes you beautiful.
Fitness Empress Out.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Couch Potatoes Anonymous (a.k.a. CPA)
Hi my name is Michelle (Hi Michelle), I am a new P90X addict and it has been 10 days since I have walked normally. (Keep coming back – it works if you work it.) Thanks, I needed to hear that.
My friends and family have started calling me Gimpy which wouldn’t be so bad if they also add “skinny” to the gimpy - a la Skinny Gimpy. But I got on the scale today and I hadn’t lost a pound yet. Okay…it was exactly 1 pound that I have shed since I started this program.
I looked at that number and thought “maybe it’s the Bloody Mary’s?” – but I’m sure that can’t be it. Then I realized my body has been doing nothing but building muscle for days and days and days. Which would explain why I can’t walk properly or lift my arms over my head without a grimace (which made yoga a VERY attractive session today - SO sorry you had to miss it.) Muscle is heavier than blubber so voila! That is probably why my weight loss is not quite what I need it to be yet. I am confident that I will start to shed those pounds soon.
One thing IS for sure and that is that I LOOK leaner. My stomach is not paunching out like it was for the past three years. My legs feel firmer and my arm flab isn’t hanging lower than my breasts when I hold them out. As a matter of fact, when I flex my arms there are these cute little bumps that arise out of the barren wasteland of what was once flab. Amen and Halleluja!
I’m thinking I’ll have to start going to church every week now because I’m pretty sure at about 100 points during the past year I uttered the words, “Lord, if you just let me lose this weight, I swear I will go to church every week.” Well, I AM going to church every week…only it is for my Dave Ramsey class. Does that count?
Well today was Yoga again…Guess what, it still is Yoga from Hell. Tony Horton you are killing me. I just barely made it through the first 45 minutes and then I just had to hit the pause button for while. Unlike last week, however, I WILL finish it tonight. Coach Dan said the second half isn’t as intense as the first. I will let you know if Coach Dan is right tomorrow. If you don’t hear from me ever again, you know he was NOT. Either that or I’m on my way to Nebraska to have some words with Coach Dan about what “less intense” means.
I’m pretty sure now he just called up Beachbody and asked to have me moved to a different coach. Don’t do it Dan!!! You will miss my funny stories and I promise I will make it through Yoga with no problemo! Okay off to make the coffee and set up the chairs for my CPA meeting. Hope to see you there. It works when you work it folks.
Fitness Empress
My friends and family have started calling me Gimpy which wouldn’t be so bad if they also add “skinny” to the gimpy - a la Skinny Gimpy. But I got on the scale today and I hadn’t lost a pound yet. Okay…it was exactly 1 pound that I have shed since I started this program.
I looked at that number and thought “maybe it’s the Bloody Mary’s?” – but I’m sure that can’t be it. Then I realized my body has been doing nothing but building muscle for days and days and days. Which would explain why I can’t walk properly or lift my arms over my head without a grimace (which made yoga a VERY attractive session today - SO sorry you had to miss it.) Muscle is heavier than blubber so voila! That is probably why my weight loss is not quite what I need it to be yet. I am confident that I will start to shed those pounds soon.
One thing IS for sure and that is that I LOOK leaner. My stomach is not paunching out like it was for the past three years. My legs feel firmer and my arm flab isn’t hanging lower than my breasts when I hold them out. As a matter of fact, when I flex my arms there are these cute little bumps that arise out of the barren wasteland of what was once flab. Amen and Halleluja!
I’m thinking I’ll have to start going to church every week now because I’m pretty sure at about 100 points during the past year I uttered the words, “Lord, if you just let me lose this weight, I swear I will go to church every week.” Well, I AM going to church every week…only it is for my Dave Ramsey class. Does that count?
Well today was Yoga again…Guess what, it still is Yoga from Hell. Tony Horton you are killing me. I just barely made it through the first 45 minutes and then I just had to hit the pause button for while. Unlike last week, however, I WILL finish it tonight. Coach Dan said the second half isn’t as intense as the first. I will let you know if Coach Dan is right tomorrow. If you don’t hear from me ever again, you know he was NOT. Either that or I’m on my way to Nebraska to have some words with Coach Dan about what “less intense” means.
I’m pretty sure now he just called up Beachbody and asked to have me moved to a different coach. Don’t do it Dan!!! You will miss my funny stories and I promise I will make it through Yoga with no problemo! Okay off to make the coffee and set up the chairs for my CPA meeting. Hope to see you there. It works when you work it folks.
Fitness Empress
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Karma is only a bitch if you're not doing the right thing
Karma is a bitch only if you aren’t doing the right thing
To my four readers: I’m pretty sure about half of you know what the past few years have been like for me – to the other half and the random person who called out sick from work today just because you felt like it and are now surfing the web aimlessly – I’m sorry you landed here. This is a very tedious and boring blog and you’re far better going to something on People’s website or the E Channel where you will find far juicier stories with lots of crazy drama and intrigue. Wait, maybe you will find that here. Okay well – either way – don’t tell me you weren’t warned.
The birth of my youngest daughter came on the heals of a brief separation from my now ex-husband. She was the reconciliation baby and a joy to my then 36 year old accomplished life. Life is never easy though and there are no happily ever afters…at least not without some major forks in the road and roller coaster rides.
Fast forward three years, and my marriage fell apart for good for more reasons than I would get into on a blog but after being with someone for 19 years, it is still a huge adjustment to suddenly be on my own – let alone be a mother of four and be alone. I had been involved in my ex-husband’s family business and what was left of it stayed with my ex-in-laws which left me without a job and income source. My house was suddenly upside down by about 200 thousand dollars and was going into foreclosure. Within a matter of months I found myself in a rental home, desperately trying to make ends meet with four children to support.
Slowly but surely I found ways to make money. One income source came from running a preschool in my home. At this point in my life, a corporate job is out of the question. With four children there is always someone sick, or someone with a half day or a day off – and of course I have my little Ashley who doesn’t go to school yet at all. So I have to be creative. I make some extra money doing web/graphic design but business with the economy is very slow and those jobs are few and far between.
There were many times where I felt life was just so unfair. I had worked hard. I had been a good mother and done the best that I could to make my marriage work. I had always been room mom or girl scout leader. I was the one outside playing street hockey or taking the kids for a walk or to the park. Yet I was amazed how many times I thought I just got hit over and over with bad news, bad luck and just plain meanness.
During the worst times, I was amazed at how out of the blue various people would show up and help me. Some of my family members lent me money, some people donated furniture. One of my clients actually purchased furniture for ALL FOUR children’s rooms after they had been living with just mattresses in their room for a year. Every single time I thought I would be out on the street in weeks, something happened. I would get a new client, or someone would send me money or pay a bill even. I have been all too close to having my car repossessed about three times during the last year.
I had to make tough decisions like whether or not to buy groceries or pay the electric bill. Some weeks I had to have a spur of the moment garage sale or sell my jewelry, just to keep my gas or water on. But through it all, it was like there was this constant lesson that I just needed to do the legwork and have a little faith and everything would be okay. Every day I woke up and put one foot in front of the other. Looking back now, I honestly don’t know how I didn’t fall apart completely – but that which doesn’t kill us….
After the worst year passed, I found that I was ready to put my life back on the front burner. I realized there were some major areas of my life that needed changing. At the top of the list, my health was not so great and my weight was making me feel less than a beautiful now single girl. I was sitting alone on a Sunday morning when the infomercial for the P90X came on. I don't think I even watched the whole thing before I decided I wanted to get the program. The only problem was, I didn't have the extra cash to sign up for even the monthly billing option. I had to set the goal just to fit it into the budget to purchase it.
I knew that being overweight was a problem for me – that I could not get past the stage I was in until I got my life together, including my health, my finances, my clutter and my confidence. Once I got the program, I knew this was going to be the beginning of a new life for me. I was and am ready to do the work to complete this program, lose the weight and then keep doing it so I don’t ever get to the place where I’m not healthy again.
One of the interesting things is that I was blessed with having a coach assigned to me (which btw is one of the awesome parts of working one of the Beachbody programs like P90X) and he has been there every day to encourage me and to laugh at my disdain for certain parts of the program (did you read my entry on Hell Yoga?) and he also opened my eyes to a whole new way of life. One of the things I’m finding out is that I want to be like that for other people! Imagine having a positive impact on someone’s life to the effect that they completely change their health and even their finances. Coach Dan and his wife Cammie are showing and helping me how to start a business of being a Beachbody Coach too. They are amazing and wonderful couple who have had their share of challenges along the way too. Cammie has MS and has seen a great improvement in her life from doing the P90X. Dan has some great stories to share too between his own story and some of his family members. They are a kind and generous couple who are taking me under their wing to help me succeed as a Coach myself.
Yeah…you can stop laughing. I did say Coach. Yes, I know I never exercised a day in my life with any regularity before. Yes, I know I have four children and work full time. What do you mean I like my wine too much? I can be lean and still have a glass of wine or two once in a while. And the vodka is only in the morning with my bloody marys. Gosh you’re a real downer. Would you please go read someone else’s blog now? Or better yet, let me be your coach and prove you wrong. You’ll see. The proof is in the pudding that I’m not eating any more. When you see my 30/60/90 day pictures…you’re going to say “Damn that girl was right.” And I’m always right, just ask my best friend Amanda.
Bye the way, this is going to make me look REALLY good in my Dave Ramsey class too. You can’t get to your financial goals if you don’t make more money and save it. It will be nice to work hard and see some amazing and tangible rewards.
So stay tuned…slowly but surely you will see my new life unfold. A new body, a new business, a new life.
Fitness Empress Out.
To my four readers: I’m pretty sure about half of you know what the past few years have been like for me – to the other half and the random person who called out sick from work today just because you felt like it and are now surfing the web aimlessly – I’m sorry you landed here. This is a very tedious and boring blog and you’re far better going to something on People’s website or the E Channel where you will find far juicier stories with lots of crazy drama and intrigue. Wait, maybe you will find that here. Okay well – either way – don’t tell me you weren’t warned.
The birth of my youngest daughter came on the heals of a brief separation from my now ex-husband. She was the reconciliation baby and a joy to my then 36 year old accomplished life. Life is never easy though and there are no happily ever afters…at least not without some major forks in the road and roller coaster rides.
Fast forward three years, and my marriage fell apart for good for more reasons than I would get into on a blog but after being with someone for 19 years, it is still a huge adjustment to suddenly be on my own – let alone be a mother of four and be alone. I had been involved in my ex-husband’s family business and what was left of it stayed with my ex-in-laws which left me without a job and income source. My house was suddenly upside down by about 200 thousand dollars and was going into foreclosure. Within a matter of months I found myself in a rental home, desperately trying to make ends meet with four children to support.
Slowly but surely I found ways to make money. One income source came from running a preschool in my home. At this point in my life, a corporate job is out of the question. With four children there is always someone sick, or someone with a half day or a day off – and of course I have my little Ashley who doesn’t go to school yet at all. So I have to be creative. I make some extra money doing web/graphic design but business with the economy is very slow and those jobs are few and far between.
There were many times where I felt life was just so unfair. I had worked hard. I had been a good mother and done the best that I could to make my marriage work. I had always been room mom or girl scout leader. I was the one outside playing street hockey or taking the kids for a walk or to the park. Yet I was amazed how many times I thought I just got hit over and over with bad news, bad luck and just plain meanness.
During the worst times, I was amazed at how out of the blue various people would show up and help me. Some of my family members lent me money, some people donated furniture. One of my clients actually purchased furniture for ALL FOUR children’s rooms after they had been living with just mattresses in their room for a year. Every single time I thought I would be out on the street in weeks, something happened. I would get a new client, or someone would send me money or pay a bill even. I have been all too close to having my car repossessed about three times during the last year.
I had to make tough decisions like whether or not to buy groceries or pay the electric bill. Some weeks I had to have a spur of the moment garage sale or sell my jewelry, just to keep my gas or water on. But through it all, it was like there was this constant lesson that I just needed to do the legwork and have a little faith and everything would be okay. Every day I woke up and put one foot in front of the other. Looking back now, I honestly don’t know how I didn’t fall apart completely – but that which doesn’t kill us….
After the worst year passed, I found that I was ready to put my life back on the front burner. I realized there were some major areas of my life that needed changing. At the top of the list, my health was not so great and my weight was making me feel less than a beautiful now single girl. I was sitting alone on a Sunday morning when the infomercial for the P90X came on. I don't think I even watched the whole thing before I decided I wanted to get the program. The only problem was, I didn't have the extra cash to sign up for even the monthly billing option. I had to set the goal just to fit it into the budget to purchase it.
I knew that being overweight was a problem for me – that I could not get past the stage I was in until I got my life together, including my health, my finances, my clutter and my confidence. Once I got the program, I knew this was going to be the beginning of a new life for me. I was and am ready to do the work to complete this program, lose the weight and then keep doing it so I don’t ever get to the place where I’m not healthy again.
One of the interesting things is that I was blessed with having a coach assigned to me (which btw is one of the awesome parts of working one of the Beachbody programs like P90X) and he has been there every day to encourage me and to laugh at my disdain for certain parts of the program (did you read my entry on Hell Yoga?) and he also opened my eyes to a whole new way of life. One of the things I’m finding out is that I want to be like that for other people! Imagine having a positive impact on someone’s life to the effect that they completely change their health and even their finances. Coach Dan and his wife Cammie are showing and helping me how to start a business of being a Beachbody Coach too. They are amazing and wonderful couple who have had their share of challenges along the way too. Cammie has MS and has seen a great improvement in her life from doing the P90X. Dan has some great stories to share too between his own story and some of his family members. They are a kind and generous couple who are taking me under their wing to help me succeed as a Coach myself.
Yeah…you can stop laughing. I did say Coach. Yes, I know I never exercised a day in my life with any regularity before. Yes, I know I have four children and work full time. What do you mean I like my wine too much? I can be lean and still have a glass of wine or two once in a while. And the vodka is only in the morning with my bloody marys. Gosh you’re a real downer. Would you please go read someone else’s blog now? Or better yet, let me be your coach and prove you wrong. You’ll see. The proof is in the pudding that I’m not eating any more. When you see my 30/60/90 day pictures…you’re going to say “Damn that girl was right.” And I’m always right, just ask my best friend Amanda.
Bye the way, this is going to make me look REALLY good in my Dave Ramsey class too. You can’t get to your financial goals if you don’t make more money and save it. It will be nice to work hard and see some amazing and tangible rewards.
So stay tuned…slowly but surely you will see my new life unfold. A new body, a new business, a new life.
Fitness Empress Out.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Scorpions Suck and no that is not a swear word
Scorpions Suck
Good morning to my one reader…how are you? Today I am going to open with a few thoughts on scorpions. They suck. Truly. I’m so tired of seeing these horribly ugly critters with their stingers poised crawling around my house.
Yesterday my older daughter was playing hide and seek with my younger daughter. She went and hid in the closet when she felt what she described as “prickers” on her arm. She thought she had some cactus remnant on her jacket, but on closer inspection we saw two puncture wounds on her arm and her arm was getting tingly and numb. That sounds like a scorpion to me. I did the prescribed remedy of icing her arm, giving her advil and just having her rest. In the meantime, we took our UV light and searched high and low for that bugger but he was no where to be found. GREAT. Now the kids are all scared to go to bed and to do anything without shaking or looking all over the place for those hideous creatures.
The good news is…I’m tough folks. About 18 years ago when I moved here to Arizona, I used to lie in bed and just pray I never saw a scorpion. I thought, if I did see one, I was packing up and going right back to scorpion-free New Jersey. The good news for me was that I never saw a scorpion except for at the zoo until about 5 years ago when I moved to the foothills in North Phoenix. The mountains sure are pretty here, but they are the breeding ground for scorpions. Who knew?
Now at this point I can’t just pack up and move back to NJ. So that means I have to face my terror and squish those things so I can deal with life in the desert. I used to cry at the sight of a spider let alone a venom filled scorpion. Now, I just go and get a glass and smash it down on its crunchy little body and then go back to drinking my chamomile tea. Not bad for a woman who barely slept with the lights out until she was 18.
With spring approaching it will mean the enemy will be trying to invade even more. Off to the pharmacy to get some Boric Acid to sprinkle around the house to keep them away. Apparently it is the one thing that can get into their little cracks and crevices and kill them. Wish me luck.
The good news is, that will me slimming down with my P90X, now if I DO get stung myself, I have a greater chance of a scorpion hitting bone rather than a nice fleshy part and making the sting more painful. Arianna was lucky because that is exactly what happened to her and she suffered minimally. See….who knew that being thin could help even with Scorpions? There is no end to the benefits of getting in shape and I don’t care HOW sore I am and that I’m crawling on all fours just to get around right now.
I’m just praying that SOME day within the 90 days portion of the P90X, I will stop being sore EVERY DAY. The pants aren’t as tight though folks…I’m inspired! I’m thinking of accelerating my weight loss by adding the protein shakes and bars too. Stay tuned. Gotta look good for my book tour.
Happy Monday.
Empress Out
Good morning to my one reader…how are you? Today I am going to open with a few thoughts on scorpions. They suck. Truly. I’m so tired of seeing these horribly ugly critters with their stingers poised crawling around my house.
Yesterday my older daughter was playing hide and seek with my younger daughter. She went and hid in the closet when she felt what she described as “prickers” on her arm. She thought she had some cactus remnant on her jacket, but on closer inspection we saw two puncture wounds on her arm and her arm was getting tingly and numb. That sounds like a scorpion to me. I did the prescribed remedy of icing her arm, giving her advil and just having her rest. In the meantime, we took our UV light and searched high and low for that bugger but he was no where to be found. GREAT. Now the kids are all scared to go to bed and to do anything without shaking or looking all over the place for those hideous creatures.
The good news is…I’m tough folks. About 18 years ago when I moved here to Arizona, I used to lie in bed and just pray I never saw a scorpion. I thought, if I did see one, I was packing up and going right back to scorpion-free New Jersey. The good news for me was that I never saw a scorpion except for at the zoo until about 5 years ago when I moved to the foothills in North Phoenix. The mountains sure are pretty here, but they are the breeding ground for scorpions. Who knew?
Now at this point I can’t just pack up and move back to NJ. So that means I have to face my terror and squish those things so I can deal with life in the desert. I used to cry at the sight of a spider let alone a venom filled scorpion. Now, I just go and get a glass and smash it down on its crunchy little body and then go back to drinking my chamomile tea. Not bad for a woman who barely slept with the lights out until she was 18.
With spring approaching it will mean the enemy will be trying to invade even more. Off to the pharmacy to get some Boric Acid to sprinkle around the house to keep them away. Apparently it is the one thing that can get into their little cracks and crevices and kill them. Wish me luck.
The good news is, that will me slimming down with my P90X, now if I DO get stung myself, I have a greater chance of a scorpion hitting bone rather than a nice fleshy part and making the sting more painful. Arianna was lucky because that is exactly what happened to her and she suffered minimally. See….who knew that being thin could help even with Scorpions? There is no end to the benefits of getting in shape and I don’t care HOW sore I am and that I’m crawling on all fours just to get around right now.
I’m just praying that SOME day within the 90 days portion of the P90X, I will stop being sore EVERY DAY. The pants aren’t as tight though folks…I’m inspired! I’m thinking of accelerating my weight loss by adding the protein shakes and bars too. Stay tuned. Gotta look good for my book tour.
Happy Monday.
Empress Out
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I SWEAR I don't swear
My mother said I swear to much in my previous blog. WTF??? I do not swear ever. Sheesh. So I will attempt to use colorful language that does not involve anything but perfect effing English… or substitute asterisks so my one reader, mom, will be happy. Hi Mom!
Day 5 P90X. MUCH BETTER today. No pretzel contortions. Back to things I can relate to like crippling squats and pull ups. Walking is SO overrated. And I really don’t need to bring a fork up to my mouth anyway…it all works in my favor. You may have noticed I glossed over the topic of me revisiting yoga after my Dave Ramsey class. That is because although I had EVERY intention of finishing that additional hour of purgatory wonderfulness, I just plain was in too much pain to do it. Never fear, I SHALL conquer that dvd…it just wasn’t meant to be yesterday. My super cool coach Dan was all “Rockstar” and stuff on my FB status and now he’s going to take it back. Sigh.
Well I have to take my lumps with my triumphs. And this program isn’t about cheating. Its about fessing up to the shortcomings that got my fat ass (does that count as a swear) into this predicament in the first place. And I’m sure there is torture yoga in my future that I will get through with flying colors even if I hate every single sweaty move of it.
Of course everything gets put into perspective when I hear from my friend in Baghdad who tells me about rocket launches going into the landing zone – but “not to worry – that is a couple of miles away”. I’m sorry, but if there were rocket launches from religious fundamentalists of any sort within this COUNTRY I would be crying like a baby, packing up and going with my kids into the mountains with my guns and survival packs. Oh that’s right, I don’t have guns and survival packs YET. Stay tuned.
Luckily Kenpo is tomorrow…which from the picture I’m gathering involves some sort of martial artsy kicking. So look out Islam…I’m gonna kick yer butt if you come here to “Idaho” and try to pull some terrorist crap here. I know, you’re all like “are you just down on religion?” The answer is HECK NO…just the ones that are based on fairy tales and hatefulness. I think I’ve covered the big two. I might have to bring some self-deprecating Catholic jokes tomorrow.
Alrighty then. Onward and upwards. Off to eat a protein bar.
Empress Out.
Day 5 P90X. MUCH BETTER today. No pretzel contortions. Back to things I can relate to like crippling squats and pull ups. Walking is SO overrated. And I really don’t need to bring a fork up to my mouth anyway…it all works in my favor. You may have noticed I glossed over the topic of me revisiting yoga after my Dave Ramsey class. That is because although I had EVERY intention of finishing that additional hour of purgatory wonderfulness, I just plain was in too much pain to do it. Never fear, I SHALL conquer that dvd…it just wasn’t meant to be yesterday. My super cool coach Dan was all “Rockstar” and stuff on my FB status and now he’s going to take it back. Sigh.
Well I have to take my lumps with my triumphs. And this program isn’t about cheating. Its about fessing up to the shortcomings that got my fat ass (does that count as a swear) into this predicament in the first place. And I’m sure there is torture yoga in my future that I will get through with flying colors even if I hate every single sweaty move of it.
Of course everything gets put into perspective when I hear from my friend in Baghdad who tells me about rocket launches going into the landing zone – but “not to worry – that is a couple of miles away”. I’m sorry, but if there were rocket launches from religious fundamentalists of any sort within this COUNTRY I would be crying like a baby, packing up and going with my kids into the mountains with my guns and survival packs. Oh that’s right, I don’t have guns and survival packs YET. Stay tuned.
Luckily Kenpo is tomorrow…which from the picture I’m gathering involves some sort of martial artsy kicking. So look out Islam…I’m gonna kick yer butt if you come here to “Idaho” and try to pull some terrorist crap here. I know, you’re all like “are you just down on religion?” The answer is HECK NO…just the ones that are based on fairy tales and hatefulness. I think I’ve covered the big two. I might have to bring some self-deprecating Catholic jokes tomorrow.
Alrighty then. Onward and upwards. Off to eat a protein bar.
Empress Out.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Hello Advil, Its me Shelley
Well, Day 4 of P90X isn't all it is cracked up to be. Yoga. I looked at that DVD and said "piece of cake." Fast forward 30 minutes and I am thinking India where Yoga originated must be Purgatory. Who in the HELL would come up with this shit? Why do I need to contort my body in unnatural poses that cause great discomfort only to be sweating and shaking and feeling completely inept?
Damn, at least if I can't do a pull up, I feel like - well YEAH...neither can most of Fatso America. But to not be able to touch my toes or do a pose called downward dog..and do I really want to do a pose called downward dog if I'm not having sex???? Truly folks, this is a test of will. So, I paused the DVD at minute 30 promising myself that after my Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class, I will eagerly come back to it and complete it. Tune in tomorrow for more on that.
In the meantime, although I am a web/graphic designer extraordinaire, I thought you should know that I am the patron saint to working parents everywhere and I run a preschool out of my home. Shut up I don't use the same language with my sweet little darlings. What is wrong with you? Listen, I am good at what I do and I don't just "babysit" - these kids learn and are loved and have fun and quite frankly we're a family all unto our own. I have potty trained more kids than a plural marriage fundamentalist Morman family. And probably taught more kids to read too. (I'm not sure - do the fundamentalists allow their women to learn to read?)
In case you are coming after me now because I dissed the Momo's ala Jon Krakauer, I live in Idaho... But I still like Mitt Romney - go figure. YES, I understand there is a huge difference between the regular crazy Mormons and the fundamentalists. Oh I'm sorry you're offended that I have doubts about John Smiths Magic Spectacles... but I digress.
I'm sure each of my sweet wards will all get up in front of the world after their nobel peace prizes (wait, those aren't hard to get any more), I mean their Olympic Medals and Academy Awards and new Patents for a cure for cancer and say "I want to send a special thank you to my preschool teacher Miss Shelley who taught me how to read." Nevertheless, if they know they are loved then I will have done my job right.
Moving right along I have managed to get through the rest of my day with a joie de vivre and a spring in my step as the Advil sets in and makes the pain from my poor sore muscles I'm in go away. I WILL get through yoga tonight. I will. The bottle says I can take more in 6 hours. I'm golden.
Until tomorrow folks,
Empress Out
Damn, at least if I can't do a pull up, I feel like - well YEAH...neither can most of Fatso America. But to not be able to touch my toes or do a pose called downward dog..and do I really want to do a pose called downward dog if I'm not having sex???? Truly folks, this is a test of will. So, I paused the DVD at minute 30 promising myself that after my Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class, I will eagerly come back to it and complete it. Tune in tomorrow for more on that.
In the meantime, although I am a web/graphic designer extraordinaire, I thought you should know that I am the patron saint to working parents everywhere and I run a preschool out of my home. Shut up I don't use the same language with my sweet little darlings. What is wrong with you? Listen, I am good at what I do and I don't just "babysit" - these kids learn and are loved and have fun and quite frankly we're a family all unto our own. I have potty trained more kids than a plural marriage fundamentalist Morman family. And probably taught more kids to read too. (I'm not sure - do the fundamentalists allow their women to learn to read?)
In case you are coming after me now because I dissed the Momo's ala Jon Krakauer, I live in Idaho... But I still like Mitt Romney - go figure. YES, I understand there is a huge difference between the regular crazy Mormons and the fundamentalists. Oh I'm sorry you're offended that I have doubts about John Smiths Magic Spectacles... but I digress.
I'm sure each of my sweet wards will all get up in front of the world after their nobel peace prizes (wait, those aren't hard to get any more), I mean their Olympic Medals and Academy Awards and new Patents for a cure for cancer and say "I want to send a special thank you to my preschool teacher Miss Shelley who taught me how to read." Nevertheless, if they know they are loved then I will have done my job right.
Moving right along I have managed to get through the rest of my day with a joie de vivre and a spring in my step as the Advil sets in and makes the pain from my poor sore muscles I'm in go away. I WILL get through yoga tonight. I will. The bottle says I can take more in 6 hours. I'm golden.
Until tomorrow folks,
Empress Out
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Its a New Life for Me and I'm Feeling Good
I have been on a journey of extreme growth and change for the past year and a half. Of course we are always on a journey of change - we can only hope that growth is incorporated into that change. About a year ago, I heard the song that Michael Buble does "Feeling Good" for the first time. It has become my theme song ever since. My life has not always reflected that, but it remains in the back of my head even during my toughest days.
As a single mother of four, I don't have much time to take care of myself. I haven't been exercising, I certainly haven't been careful about what I eat, and some days, I'm lucky if I get a shower in. The problem with not taking time for myself is that I start to feel like a former version of me...sort of one that is in black and white, not in full color. Or I feel like I've fast forwarded through time and I'm suddenly old and limited in my choices for the future.
I got tired of being overweight, tired, frustrated and broke. I decided to buy the P90X and start working out.
Through this experience I decided to enroll in the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University program and also start a vigorous weight loss program. Since both are brand new to my life, I thought I would begin a blog to chronicle my progress and perhaps see some new revelations about my life and where it is going. I am excited to see what the future holds.
There comes a time in all our lives where we have to face up to the truth. We have to believe the scale, take stock of the bank statements, and evaluate our actions with honesty. I am ready to believe what I see, and change it to truly be what I want it to be. I no longer want to APPEAR like I have my life together, I really want to HAVE my life together.
Empress Out for today...
As a single mother of four, I don't have much time to take care of myself. I haven't been exercising, I certainly haven't been careful about what I eat, and some days, I'm lucky if I get a shower in. The problem with not taking time for myself is that I start to feel like a former version of me...sort of one that is in black and white, not in full color. Or I feel like I've fast forwarded through time and I'm suddenly old and limited in my choices for the future.
I got tired of being overweight, tired, frustrated and broke. I decided to buy the P90X and start working out.
Through this experience I decided to enroll in the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University program and also start a vigorous weight loss program. Since both are brand new to my life, I thought I would begin a blog to chronicle my progress and perhaps see some new revelations about my life and where it is going. I am excited to see what the future holds.
There comes a time in all our lives where we have to face up to the truth. We have to believe the scale, take stock of the bank statements, and evaluate our actions with honesty. I am ready to believe what I see, and change it to truly be what I want it to be. I no longer want to APPEAR like I have my life together, I really want to HAVE my life together.
Empress Out for today...
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